What will he do if he gets a car with either a proxiity unlocking or like mine which if the key is in my pocket when you grab the door handle it unlocks Fortunately my Mirrors fold in when I lock the car so its easy to check at a glance but what if they didnt? Must admit to often going back to check I locked the house before I leave - I alway have its done automatically but then I sit in the car and cant remember if I did - not sure that counts as OCD - just old age senility kicking in
Was a few years ago Farnham. But re remote locking on mine took some getting used to. If you do a quick press, The doors lock, but if the windows are open. They stay open. You have to press for a couple of seconds to activate windows to close.
Lots of people have the even number thing for the volume. Going alway back to my girlfriend at 14, all her lot did it aswell. So I kept putting it on odd numbers to get a reaction, and now as the years have gone by, I always want it on the odd number!
I've got the volume at an even number thing as well! Also - have an aversion to 7 (it comes from going to Vegas to gamble at craps way too often) and would avoid anything numbered 7 - petrol pumps, having £7 of change, that type of thing.
My original post sounds very frivolous now. But if it’s started a theme for people to open up & talk, that’s no bad thing.. This forum is much more than football.
I also have this endearing habit of leaving drawers & cupboard doors open. Never, ever knew a woman who appreciated it..
Pegs drive me nuts, packs always seem to come with multi colored ones in them or different shades of the same colour like 4 slightly different shades of grey because when hanging washing out I have to use same coloured pegs on each item IE. Light grey on both corners of a t-shirt, pairs of socks etc. I couldn't use a dark grey on one corner and light grey on other it's just wrong, wife thinks I'm mental. Other one I've got off top of my head is, all bank notes have to be facing same way (queens head in view) in my wallet, I've recently found out my son has inherited this too. I've probably loads more but to me they are just normal
Janie does that aswell. Do you leave bottle tops loose? She once put some tins of evaporated milk in the fridge top shelf, upside down! I took one out and it had been opened (wrong end), and I turned it the right way up pouring milk all over. I did laugh.
If the indicator on my car doesn’t self-cancel, I have to cancel it when it’s “off” not when it’s lit up
That definitely sounds like OCD and as someone who treats people for OCD I'd practice resisting the urge to "neutralise" any compulsions as it keeps the problem going. Acknowledge it is an intrusive thought then try and refocus your attention on whatever you are doing by using your 5 senses. The minute you enter into analysing the thought it becomes more than just an intrusion. I know it is not easy, I have had it myself in the past. Happy to advise as much as i can.
A lot of this stuff is not really OCD, it might be a quirk but the question you need to ask yourself is, if the TV is on an odd number is it going to just irritate you a bit or is it going to cause you distress. If it is the latter then that's OCD. We all have little quirks and are creatures of habit, but it can be unhelpful to say "I'm a bit OCD about..." when some people are totally debilitated by it and unable to function at all. A lot of past patients find it very offensive.
Have to try the door twice on going out and tend to place shoes as you’d wear them but I stopped reading this in case I pick anything else up
I don't think I have OCD but I can't stand not knowing things. If someone mentions in an offhand way "I wonder what..." I have to immediately google it and find the answer. I have a good memory so as a result I'm fantastic at pub quizzes but not knowing something really, really bothers me.
I'll never forget the day when I was diagnosed with OCD. Sunday, 21st March 1999, 4 minutes and 23 seconds past 4 O'Clock.