We all have the ability to be good and bad, some can be evil, tho not all. None of that has anything to do with a god or devil tho, but if it helps you on your day to day you are perfectly entitled to believe in such things. No genies in the sky or goblins in the depths for me tho.
But surely Gods were invented as expressions of the ultimate good by different cultures and so different expressions of the ultimate good came into being.
I suppose different cultures created different God's based on their own needs and understanding of the time. Regardless you said before Man started inventing different ones. I was curious which one you deemed to be the original? Humans have been making up God's for as long as we have existed and many of the early ones are not monotheistic religions.
Not quite what I meant. There wouldn't be an original God, but there would be a concept (in different cultures) of the ultimate good. Which was then personified into different Gods. I'm not arguing for the existence of a bloke with a beard on a cloud. Maybe Star Wars had it right - The Force v The Dark Side.
I think there is one God, and his various messengers went off to tell people his message, but by the time they got to their group, they had forgotten bits. It's like that game we used to play at family Xmas. Two groups of people go into different rooms. One from each is called to listen to a short story, couple of paragraphs or so. Each tells the next member of their group, and so on, and the results are hilarious. And the final stories, when compared, are nothing like each other, and no resemblance to the original. Maybe God did appear in his own special way to Jesus and Mohammed, and the Old Testament dudes before that. Jesus went West, and by the time he'd told his story a thousand times, the story had veered from the original. Mo went East, and his story too got embellished the further he got. The last people to hear Jesus's message wrote a story that was nowt like God had told him in the desert. And the last people Mohammed told wrote down a story that was not only different to the original, but vastly different to Jesus's final published copy. Certain bits were similar, a few of the characters and locations had changed for dramatic effect. There was a bit of poetic license. One story was entitled the Holy Bible. One was call the Koran. But it was the same God wot started it. Time for lunch ........
Certainly religion has and is still used to exert control over groups of people aswell as the suppression of rights for others. The need for people to belive on personal level comes from fear I suppose and comfort.
You seem to be basing that on Yahweh the Judeo-Christian God. Pre dated by many God's by thousands of years.
Possibly so. And maybe he'll be relaying his story many more times to come until eventually, we all get the same message and get along much better on the same page* *That's the world in general, not me n thee