There are a loads of working class rednecks who adore Trump too. He wouldn't have been elected without their vote. Think the real irony here is that the country with most of the world's wealth is least able to deal with the corona virus because of it's shitty healthcare system. Not enough beds, not enough ppe and not enough ventilators.
Also lack of education of the poorest, which is why this has happened. They just drip feed the ********.
You just printed the text of his speech where he said "this is their new hoax". What do you think he was referring to?
I never said he called the coronavirus a hoax. I agreed that he was referring to the Democrats attacks and criticisms as the "new hoax". Which now looks stupid, as do all the other ridiculous quotes he came out with in the early days.
His early words on Twitter have damned him. I've little confidence in the Democrats either. The electoral system in the USA is all about the status quo, which is big business. There are no points to be gained, only lives to be lost & the USA looks like losing many & still nothing will change. Our electoral system is also flawed. Most of Europe has centre right governments in the largest countries, (a lot of smaller countries being far right), but being centre right there, is so left of where we are in terms of the state & the priorities for it's citizens, there is little comparison. A virus is no respecter of politics & the most successful countries will be the ones that maintain the trust & support of citizens through this, irrespective of political stance . There is good & bad on our side. I'm trying to take a balanced view, with leaders I would never have elected in a million years. The fact that the Prime Minister, the Health Secretary, the CMO & the Prime Minister's Chief Advisor have let themselves become infected is definitely not leadership I'm afraid. The building of a hospital in a week is bloody impressive though, good work by our armed forces.
Just listened to news brief by Trump about the virus and he as actually said it will be over in 2 yes 2 weeks. It is blatantly obvious he lies is narcissistic, incompetent and a sociopath with language skills of a 9-year-old. This dumb motherf***** really is going to be partly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American lives.
But... but... but... The left, the left. Those bloody socialists have been saying bad things about him.
Terry ever since we became a civilised nation the socialists and left-leaning people have always been scorned upon by the powers that be give a person a bit of power or a bit of authority and he thinks he's better than you take the Police, take a Deputy in the pits, take a Military man or a Gaffer in a factory they seem to get this chip on their shoulder(must add not all of them as some are good men and true) and think like you say those bloody socialists. Footnote, Terry been reading and contributing to BBS for a number of years now and I take it your father played for Barnsley did he attend Ferbeck rehabilitation hospital around 1969 as I was there at that time, if not I've got him mistaken with someone else, by the way Pat Howard who played with your father is a relation of mine.
I’ll ask him. He might have, but I’m unsure, he’s told me enough stories over the years and now I’ve got 3 kids I’ve heard them another 10 times again they all merge into a pile of **** stories that are now also getting longer in duration. I’ll report back USA has the youngest coronavirus death in the world. If that doesn't make people do as they have been told there for the next month, nothing will.
By the way Pat is a top bloke, who I’ve known since I was a nipper. I hadn’t seen him for 30 years until a couple of years ago and it was like I’d only seen him a few weeks before. As I said, lovely bloke.
Seriously mate it’s fine. Due to his health he’s been on lockdown for a month so when he’s on the phone I can’t get him off
I’m really sorry But if you’re reading that and seeing it as the words of a statesman you’re seriously deluded. and if you’re actually reading that, and judging his actual actions, and looking at the stats, and believe he’s making sensible decisions, you’re criminally deluded.
Seriously Ben? He definitely DID mock a disabled reporter, in the same way he's definitely mocked political opponents for their names, their size, their ethnicity. I could go on. It's his automatic defence mechanism when he's got no valid argument to attack them with. Plus it plays well with the dumb cu.nts who vote for him. You have only to look at the faces of the saps who have to stand behind him at these WH briefings, all dying on the inside when he opens his mouth. If any of them had a spine, they'd speak out.
The fact there is no distance between all the people at the press conferences doesn't tell the populace to observe social distancing Do as I say not as I do.