I probably will mate but it won't change my feeling of detachment with the club which is entirely down to the way we are being run. I'll most likely hold my nose and renew because I support the club and not the owners - hopefully they will either change or leave.
Stop telling folk what to do FFS, people getting carried away with 3 wins, doom mongers back out. For the record I.m undecided and seriously contemplating not renewing, not happy with a lot that’s happened this season. Yes we’re FFP compliant but it’s been a **** show, from the silence and eons to replace DS to several appalling transfer windows, the Jan one in particular where the board admitted relegation with 3-4 months left of the season. Three wins doesn’t sway me and suddenly make me happy clap ! If that makes me not a proper fan and have no right to have an opinion yer know what ya can do !
There's no evidence to suggest they're worth anything at all. There's a newspaper report that claimed they were billionaires, but it did not back that up with, well, anything. This was then repeated and repeated and everyone believed it. How much are they worth? Not a clue. Do I think any of them are even remotely close to being billionaires? Categorically not.
None of the owners are on the Forbes Billionaire list. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they aren’t billionaires, but there’s also no proof that they are. They seem like the kind of people to me that would love to be on the billionaire list, so I’d be surprised if they kept their wealth secret. I could be wrong though.