Was slightly tongue in cheek. I hope she warms in hell in reality, but great to see the knives come out again in the Tory party.
I mean on a personal level. I’ve been in a couple of work related meetings with her In the past and she comes across well not like the usual Westminster automaton. This lot probably sums it better than me as mines just a snap judgement based on a couple of brief meetings. https://x.com/thenewsagents/status/1694351917894267356?s=46&t=j20zR706pmXrBtdI_7p-NQ
Delusional numpty. In her maiden speech in the commons she claimed to have moved to Mid Bedfordshire and wakes up to birdsong there. It turned out she lived in Stratford on Avon and didn't have a house in the constituency for several years. Even then she retained her place in Stratford, living there whilst claiming expenses for the largely unused place in Mid Beds. Edit; also claiming expenses for a place in London, she faced an enquiry about her expenses.