Enjoyed that JP, thanks, but I do struggle with The Jam having a horn section - thin end of the wedge on the way to The Style Council. Their finish of Move On Up is actually tidier than Curtis Mayfield’s though.
Love The Jam, The Style Council were my favourites as I grew from a boy to a man and Paul Weller`s solo stuff has some absolutely fabulous songs. Don`t get the "everything after The Jam is rubbish".
The most prophetic lyric of all time for me still goes to Heaven 17 on their 1983 hit "Crushed by the wheels of industry" "There's a party going on that's going to change the way we live, but how do we know we've even been invited?" 17 years later (see what they did there) the 2000 World Economic Forum took place. It did change the way we live. After it, Citibank told its private clients to think in terms of an hour glass economy (later re-phrased as the squeezed middle). Invest in Rolex/yachtmakers etc and poundshops/aldi and bookies etc. Forget Woolworths/Debenhams etc
Or they could have been a bit clearer and said 'the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer." In the words of the esteemed Mr Weller. "And as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Bullsh!t is bullsh!t, just goes by different names."