I agree & that really sums the whole thing up, there has been lies coming out of there for years & here is another one being exposed , thats why I put there are many reasons why I wouldn"t want to attend but some will be genuinely upset that they cannot get a beer at a game as promised.
I don’t support the death penalty for anyone, ever. I draw the line based on human rights. Having a drink in a country has nothing to do with human rights and so I’d respect their culture in terms of that if I was visiting (which I never would).
https://www.theguardian.com/footbal...ly-allowance-cancelled?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other it’s all getting a bit much for the Quataris and the tournament hasn’t started yet
Me neither. I was genuinely interested in your opinion even if my post came across a little flippant (jovial flippant).
Reading between the lines I think the Qatari government have that much money they can do whatever they want. I don't think they care if the tournament takes place in empty stadia with a few Qatari supporters and V.I.P's. They want the prestige and nothing else.
It’s getting one over the Saudis they care about , it’s rumoured the Saudis want the 2030 World Cup .
I've just caught up on this story properly and seen that all that was going to be on offer was Budweiser. So banning it from the stadium may actually be a improvement.
S'alright! ... Since they don't have the opportunity to spend £12 a pint on beer in the stadia they surely won't miss or need the top-up fund they were told existed
Good luck to all the Fans travelling, just do as ya teld, abide by the laws an traditions, and above all behave yasens, being hit wi a stone foookin hurts so bear this in mind when theres 100's bin thrown at ya.
Infantino has lost it now , apparently we should apologise for the last 3000yrs !! https://www.theguardian.com/footbal...antino-world-cup-qatar?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
https://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport...n=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target Not as dry as they'd have u believe