Most of us have some kind of in built stop mechanism no matter how frustrated we are . This lad not only ran onto the pitch, he had time to think about what he was doing but still targeted Grealish . It doesnt bear thinking about if he had a knife in his hand .
Couldn't agree more WR. Did anyone see the recent documentary " Famous and Fighting Crime."? Naomi Campbell's cousin Sandi Bogle who was in Googlebox, was on patrol with a young policeman when they stopped their Panda car to question two youths who were blatantly sharing a spliff as they walked down the road. As the PC approached them, the youth with the spliff, flicked it into a nearby hedge. When questioned, they did not deny what they had been doing and invited the PC to root through the undergrowth to find what they had discarded. He declined ,whereupon they started to verbally abuse him, which absolutely amazed me. When I was their age, if you would have spoken to a policeman like they did, there is no doubt, you would have probably been arrested and charged. I was gobsmacked that the PC returned to his car and drove off. Sandi Bogle's face was an absolute picture and you could tell she was horrified as to what she had just witnessed.
I was just about to say the same. It's scary that there are significant numbers of people walking among us who have no ability to calculate the consequences of their actions. A thought or desire comes into their head and they simply act on it. The guy at the Birmingham game and others like him who are wandering around with knives need the book throwing at them.
When I was their age I would probably have got a thumping from the bobby. I remember the PC with the big handlebar moustache. He was a big guy. Legend has it he was known to offer some of the lads he caught on Friday nights misbehaving a choice of arrest or ...ahem... instant justice! Not sure if that's true but he did have a fearsome reputation -firm but fair.
There have always been people like that. Don't think we can blame this one on Brexit. Thankfully the vast majority of us are not. As to the spliff smoking that wax obviously done for viewer ratings,
Brexit didn't give license for this. It's been going on for years. The punishments do not fit the crime.
Reminds me of an incident a few years ago when a Pediatrics consultant's house was targeted by some morons who could not distinguish between a paedophile and a paediatrician!
You could argue that going back centuries punishments have often been at odds with crimes committed. You could, at one time be hung or stealing a loaf of bread but then, much later, NOT hung for carrying out despicable murders (Brady and Hindley for example). The justice system never seems to get it right. Terrorists who kill indiscriminately are given jail sentences when the rope would be a much better option. Rapists go inside when most right-thinking people would rather see them strung up by their testicles before having them surgically removed, and only then being shown to a prison cell. There is too much emphasis on human rights and not enough on proper punishments. I'm not sure what you do with pitch invaders who assault players but that's been going on for a long time too and could, maybe sometime soon, lead to someone going on with a knife and killing a player.
It's a weird one, take the situation with the 18 year old who tweeted something disgusting about the late brother of Jack Grealish and Birmingham have released a statement banning him for life for words wrote on the Internet. Of course the words were terrible but are they going to start looking to the criminal past of all fans? Shouldn't they ban for life fans who have an assault charge for example? That's worse than written words?
I’m guessing it’s because he said those words as a Birmingham fan and brings the club into disrepute because of them. If someone had carried out an assault in a Birmingham shirt or in some other way that tied the incident to them then they probably would.