You still don’t get it. I’ve never that we should not sign proven players. I’m asking people WHO we should sign who could instantly improve us at this level and who is exciting? I just don’t know who we could possibly get who fits the bill so im saying how can people say ‘meh’ at anyone we have signed this window? I was desperate for the club to sign Hammill at the time.
And I think you’re missing some of our points.... Some of us can’t get excited about players we have never heard of. Not that we don’t want them to be good! Of course we all do! But it would be strange to get excited by a 3 minutes you tube compilation put together by a players agent. I once got bloody excited by a video - was kayode “mean machine” odejayi. Never again! And saying “tell us who” has been pointed out as daft - no one is saying they have the answers as we don’t have the information needed! Just a simple fans perogative to hope for some championship level experience to help the whole squad out. Remember it was Hammill who stood out next to the half decent Winnall and Hourihane. And so some of us also remember that box office signing like you did at the time.
Clueless..... So again. Why are you branding us clueless for suggesting we look for one or two similar signings given our current situation? Bit odd considering the history.
Jon Mackem. Great signing. Someone like him would be Ideal. But of course signing experienced players never works.
Because myself and others were asking you to name players you think we should sign and we kept saying you couldn’t name any. Making you clueless.
I don’t know why you don’t understand my point. Patrick ripped everything up and started again. Moving away from those types of signing because in the long run they were getting us no where. The club have transfer policy now. If they decide to go against it and sign older players and they work then fantastic. But let’s not say ‘meh’ when we sign an unproven player as that’s more than likely what they’re going to be.
Ok Chris. Look - I hope beyond hope anyone we sign is good. And takes us away from relegation. But I don’t think it’s uncalled for that fans recall such signings as Hammill, Long, Shackell, Moore, Hignett, Redfearn etc and see what a bit of known experience can do to aid a whole squad. Not just improve one position. We could all probably name 300+ players we would like to sign who we think could improve our team. But we don’t have knowledge of what they would cost in fee or wages. Or what our budget is. It isn’t “clueless” not to randomly name every player who would improve us. We are merely suggesting we hope the club are looking down this avenue as well. All the best
One of my all time favourite BFC players. Again Patrick Cryne, decided on this policy. He did so for a reason.
Give me the precise budget I have and I will do so. Transfer and wages please. 100 percent accurate. Otherwise you are just an idiot saying ridiculous things for attention. Actually to be fair that does about sum you up.
Honestly why do you ruin it? We’re having a real debate tonight. Throwing things against each other and then you go and say something like that. Seriously what was the point in saying that?
It’s been a good one tonight. Some good issues and points raised. All the best, until next time. Meanwhile, keep enjoying the transfer gossip I share
I didn’t say meh. I fact I was supportive. What part of people never having seen or heard of a player and thus not being enthused do you not understand ( not my view but I can understand it) It’s just the idiotic brain dead argument you put forward that any player of experience has to be Lita and all signings of that nature fail that Is stupid.
It’s all about debate and opinion! And the reality is as fans we are usually driven by emotion, nostalgia, hope. I am very often wrong on who I think will be a good or bad signing. Will readily admit that. Probably why over the years I tend to wait until I’ve seen a player to get excited. Although I told a lie earlier. Stevie Mallans best bits got me very excited to see him play. And glad he’s now getting a chance! Just waiting for that first 30 yarder to scream in and I’ll feel my optimism was justified!
You came into the debate that was initiated by someone saying ‘meh’ about the signing this thread revolves around. I was discussing what signings were seen as exciting and how they have failed. Never said all signings of that nature fail. Just that in the long run they got us no where and eventually relegated. Which is why Cryne ripped it up and stated again. Now you must have said 3 times in the last few days you’re putting me back on ignore. You’re still to do it. You seem obsessed with wanting to prove my wrong on here. Either ignore me or don’t. But stop saying you’re going to and then not doing as you’re making you’re self look as big an idiot as you think I am.
He’s looked okay has Stevie. Enjoyed tonight it’s been challenging and gone round it’s circles a little but it’s killed some time.... Now... have they announced Manzala yet?
Brilliant this. Chris loses his **** because someone says "meh" over a bloke we've never heard of. Careful lads - when Chris mentions a name we've all got to pat him on the back and offer thanks and praise. Or he'll cwy and thstamp his feets.
There are some people who say "meh" or similar to virtually everyone we ever sign or are linked with. It's as tedious and irritating as expecting everyone to be a world beater. If people want to be able to drool in anticipation at every player we sign then I'd suggest Barnsley is the wrong club for them. Barely anyone had heard of Ronnie Glavin when he signed. Meh.