We have had a log burner for about 7 years & have used it to supplement our central heating however I have been stocking up well for the heating season & this time it will be the other way round , the log burner will be in full swing whilst the central heating will be used only to supplement the log burner during extreme cold spells.
This time last year we paid £156/month, how on earth come January can it be £500????? That’s a 220% increase even if and when the government remove VAT and the green levy it’ll still be high as a kite!! My old gran bless her, she’s about £700 in credit with hers, got an email last month saying it was going upto £212, after resubmitting new readings and seeing what here balance is they agreed to keep it the same, a wonder how many billions this country is getting over charged every year???? It must be eye watering
We had to fix earlier this year when I found out our supplied 'Good Energy' were allowed to operate outside the price cap, they are now charging 42p per Kwh !!! So we fixed with Scottish Power for 3 years, at the time the fix was higher than the price cap, but after Aprils increase were back below it. Took our bill from £88 per month to £180 though
Anyone who doesn't have a smart meter please remember it would be fraud to overestimate your readings before the price jump. Of course the energy Companies over estimate and increase direct debits to build credit for your own good. Doing the same back to them is illegal and despite the fact you almost certainly wouldn't be caught and even if you were you could just say you misread it, please don't do it as its wrong.
we just read the meters every month and will carry on. If we need to increase we will. Just stay in control there is some absolute profiteering going on alongside some genuine cost pressures.
I have been expecting a rise in world energy prices for some time now. With the whole world now industrialising and the amount of fossil fuel energy fixed, the rules of economics are playing out,exaserbated by Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine. My view is that until the war is settled (although that may be some time away) we will have to live with high energy prices and a lower standard of living (something that not many people of working age are used to). In the meantime it is time to plan for winter: an extra layer of clothing Early nights Walk where possible And generally tighten your belt. I know I prefer this to lower energy prices and Putin dominating Eastern Europe.
Yes that’s my plan. Does get through a fearsome amount of wood though. On really cold days I’ve used coal and fired up as early as possible. Next morning the fire is still just glowing so keeps the room temp up a fair bit.
I’m going for solar panels and batteries, tbh regret not doing it sooner. It’s a tw@t that only those with some brass can insulate ( excuse the pun) themselves to some extent from this pain. Government should be putting brass in to insulation, solar panels heat exchangers … for the less well off. Splitting wood now for the winter after next no shortage of timber after storm Arwen
If the government took the hit and offered FREE solar panels for all existing domestic buildings in the UK whilst at the same time dictating that every new build plus any new extension with over x amount of roof space has to have solar panels then the UK's energy crisis would be over. They're talking about spending billions on nuclear energy that will be ready in 50 years. Spend money on solar that helps people today.
Yes I do similar, I use the smokeless coal from Aldi, £4 a bag which is really decent value, just add a few noggins with the logs which helps spin it out & knocks a fair bit of heat out
The public need to organise here. Stop paying energy bills until prices are reasonable and utilities nationalised. If 10m people stopped paying, they can’t take us all to court. Things would change rather quickly.
Just had my electricity bill put up to £358 a month and that's with solar panels, kerosene oil heating and a log burner to supplement usage. Thieving fecks.
I read somewhere that you're not supposed to burn wood and coal at the same time in a log burner. No idea why not.
Found this "Coal contains sulphuric acid, while wood – even when well seasoned (as it always should be before being burned on a stove) – is relatively high in moisture. When the two fuels are burned at the same time, the sulphur released by the coal and water from the wood combine to create a nasty solution that will stick to and corrode your stove system."
One would have to say, if Corbyn had won the last election he would have been crucified now by the press. As it is Johnson has gone due to being a lying toe rag. In reality he had no plan post Brexit for anything & that is the real truth.
We pay 180 with British gas and they want to up it to 531 a month. How many bills have I got to miss before they take me to prison?
That sounds like a incredible rise. Have you been on a cheaper fix than the current price cap? What's your actual usage like not the amount they are taking as a direct debit? You don't have to pay what they recommend you can continue to pay the lower amount and see what the actual bill is.