I don't think anyone's questioning your right to support England or accusing you of being an ignorant yob. Equally though it's perfectly acceptable for some to be turned off by the undeniable yob element that does attach itself to the team.
I'd say I used to care equally about BFC and England. Euro 96, what a summer that was, but somewhere in the last 10-15 years it changed, I just can't get that worked up about it. It's probably cos I really couldn't care less about the Prem, it's teams, it's players, no interest. For me, there's a huge disconnect with the multi millionaire prima donnas that live there. I do feel guilty, I feel like those characters have robbed me of my England and last night for me was nothing like the 5-1 of 2001. Sterling's dead pan interview last night, more interested in fiddling with his head phones, no passion, not a pop at him particularly, just indicative of the times. Yeah I'll watch them as always and if we reach the final, I'll no doubt be worse for wear in a pub garden just for the atmosphere and it's a once in a lifetime thing, as I was born in '68. But it's not the excitement of a play off final or even the battle to reach them, or even the usual relegation battle. It's not the cup matches against Chelsea or Liverpool, it just doesn't mean as much, it's not life or death. I haven't lived in Barnsley since I was 18, I wasn't even born there. 35 years and the connection is still more than those 55 years of hurt.