What a shame a so called sell out has thousands of empty seats that could have been used by people who would have turned up.
Well …. we beat the Test Champions 3-0. I don’t think the score was a fair reflection but we fully deserved it. We now go on to the next step of India and South Africa with many white ball games as well. At the moment we seem to have a decent number 3 but still can’t get our openers sorted
113 runs knocked off in 70 minutes. Did I enjoy my first taste of international cricket? Damn right I did! Shame I didn’t get to see them play for longer - say a 200 run chase on the last day - but that was wonderful to watch. At Burley Park station now and the sun is out. Of course it is!
Great entertainment for an hour so, well worth the entry fee In a way it was a pity that we didn’t stretch it out a bit longer, but loving the new attacking mindset. To turn it around in such a short space of time, with basically the same squad of players is remarkable
A real privilege witnessing first hand his performance today. Brilliant to see YJB smashing sixes as well but I wish he’d scored less so that Root could have got a hundred
Great fun getting to see that for free today. Had a great view from the upper tier of the new stand. It's a pity they knocked off the runs so quickly, but it was great to see two Yorkshiremen do the business on the final day. The only downside was seeing so many of the tickets go unused, although the weather probably contributed to this.
I reckon most got tickets well before close of play yesterday, and assumed more runs would be needed today. Plus the weather. But it was obvious with the forecasts this morning no play would happen b4 lunch. I did get in the queue last night again after the first **** up. Around 11:30pm. I got down to 29 secs on being able to enter the site again. And it feckin froze or they'd all gone. Should have just rocked up.
Ground was less than half full which was a shame but no one’s going to travel far with so little of the game left, plus forecasted rain until 3pm, which was wrong
Re the weather. On headingly when I looked first thing this morning. 11am - 1pm. 100% chance of rain. After then it was in low single figures. I agree no one would travel far given the amount of game left. But most of em weren't anticipating that I reckon when they got through for tickets. Given the amount of traffic on the site and me actually getting through. I reckon more backed out when they reduced the target to a huge extent. Not complaining at what happened. Just mad with myself for fecking up.
Each of these 3 Tests could have gone either way, and Im sure they will be wondering how on earth they lost all 3. But they were exciting matches and its great credit once again, to our very own Yorkie batters.