more good bowling though Crawleys was a fairly poor waft no footwork not seen Pope but I think he threw it away somewhat. Sibley and Root to very good balls
Just seen the wickets. Disappointed with Sibley. Restarting after a break, short and wide and playing at it. No need. Crawley, just very poor. Root... decent ball early on but still not tight, its never hitting the stumps and could be left. Pope, very poor, slight nick on a flat non turning ball from the spinner. We're so poor at batting and lose wickets to so many balls we shouldn't.
Calling Lyth and Malan. You need a shot playing opener with Burns, and some fire power at 3 and 4. Like look of Lawrence but Pope and Crawley totally out of nick and exposed to poor feet and shot selection. The concentration levels of these lads is woeful.
What's wrong with watching the bounce and length nowadays? You don't need to play shots from the off. No one knows how to play a good forward defensive, head over the ball with the appropriate touch.
Thought exactly the same mate. The bowling is good and tight but you've got to wait for the bad ball. Let the bowler make the mistake. If you get out to jaffa so be it.