It's not as bad on here, but other social media can be so frustrating to read. The likes of "could of", the inability to distinguish between their/there/they're and one that I've seen creep in lately, spelling "lose" as "loose".
It's 55 years since I left school, I was not the best at English then so if my English is not up to your standards for this forum then I feel sorry for you as some seem to judge a book by its cover.
Big ones for me are: Am instead of I'm. On accident instead of by accident. People that mix up then and than. Also, when people say "I'll win you". That one really annoys me. And while we're on about it, people are hanged, pictures are hung. English isn't that hard.
Should have a BBS spelling bee !!!! I really hate it when people add 2 + 2 and get 5. English isn’t the only weaknesses here (or is it ere). EDITED: forgot the period (full stop).
And when people are asked a question they begin their answer with 'So...'. It not only boils my piss, it also fries my mucus!!!
Mine is missing a "guilt edged chance". The player might feel pretty guilty afterwards, but it's gilt edged, as in gold!
“Yes, it is," not "That it be". And you don't have to talk in that stupid voice to me, I'm not a tourist! I seek information about a Wise Woman.
Chuff me it is getting be before you can join this forum you must have a GSE in spelling and grammar. Ho, by the way, shouldn't you have put a comma after grammar. "Its spelling and grammar, however..." As long as you can read it I personally don't give a fig.
Terrific thread. My favourite posts are those from the 'English language monitors' who go on to **** it up themselves in their later posts. Thanks guys, I'll be watching