Why people seem intent on discussing politics on a football message board I don’t know. If you want to assume the worst of other people and throw around abuse then there’s always twitter. Similarly, if you enjoy your life being ruined by an all powerful state then there’s always North Korea or Venezuela.
The choice is definitely having your life ruined by a low tax low spend state that'll happily sell your soul to rich corporations Or risk a state that'll invest some of your money for the good of all. No ones proposing North Korea or Venezuela - just German or Scandinavian levels of spend. But you've definitely swallowed the Kool Aid
When you compare this BBS to other football club forums, it's probably one of the healthiest around, particularly when you take the size of the fanbase into account...for me one of those reasons is that there are some very bright people on here prepared to engage on a wide range of subjects...subjects that keep the board ticking over when the matchday thread ( like most other Forums use) is completely exhausted.
My only experience of his food was it was poor and sub standard. So he can stick his chips up his arse then at least they may come out somewhere near a decent chip colour.
I’m not sure that the quality of the chips and fish bits is the actual issue here. Unless of course people are suggesting that if the food was better, chips and fish bits would be enough to buy their vote. The Suffragettes who suffered to win the vote for women and all the people who died for freedom in the war would just love that.
Not got enough money to eat? What you need to do is be a little more clever and enter into cyclical debt cycle you’ll never break out of with a pay day loan you prole scum.
That's outrageous and you have posters on here like Clink backing up these people it's enough to make you sick, this guy Darren Henry and another Tory candidate Sally Ann Hart for Hastings and Rye who said disabled people with learning disabilities should be paid less as they don't understand money, are the scum of this country no hart or care, it's just beyond belief that people will vote for these scum
I'm not a fan of the conservatives by any means but this is deliberately misleading video editing. What he actually said was "When people are really, really down, and when people haven't got the money, one of the things they can look to do is to get a payday loan or something like that. If' I'm in parliament, as a private member's bill, if I ever get the opportunity, one of the things I'd like to do is to try and stop payday loan advertising because that just makes the whole problem worse." He was speaking out AGAINST payday loans and they deliberately edited the video to completely change what he was saying. It's no better than Rachel Riley editing corbyns placard to make him look racist imo.
There’s always the national socialists who don’t like the jews, support the ira and want to take your kids inheritance. But the worlds seen that before hasnt it
it seems to ne he’s speaking out against the advertising of payday loans! why can’t he speak out and table a bill to stop the actual loan, or failing that to legislate that they don’t absolute harm the people most in need.
I imagine it would be pretty much impossible to ban loans wouldn't it? I'm not saying that I actually agree with him or anything just pointing out that it's wrong to make it sound like he's encouraging people to take out loans when he's trying to stop it.