Lies on all fronts. Please when debating politics try not to peddle lies as it does you no favours at all. There are plenty of reasons to like one party over another but using lies to smear people is just pathetic.
I agree with you in a free market they can and do charge what they can get away with. I’ve no idea how you’d go about it but I’d much prefer some sort of government bond loan that was paid back over a reasonable time at reasonable rates
Spot on. His first comment about budgeting was terrible but this one was half of his comment taken out of context.
Just listened to it on Youtube and the audience did not see it your way with shouts of disgusting etc.
Wrong. Absolutely false. He says what the video shows as it is shown and gets negative audience feedback and then tries to back track with what you said. Apologise. You are wrong. Same to @Nardiello
Great idea, there are currently various options to go to the government for loans but they are quite stringent on what you can borrow it for and think you need to be claiming already. The biggest problem with what you propose is how do you determine who are genuine and people who aren’t? Currently people not genuine would be put off by extortionate interest rates. Agree with the principal though.
You do know that the Nazi's weren't socialists don't you? Its pretty easy to find, yer know, on Google or in Books and ****.
Just googled it, and... The Nazis were left-wing socialists. Yes, the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, otherwise known as the Nazi Party, was indeed socialist and it had a lot in common with the modern left. Hitler preached class warfare, agitating the working class to resist “exploitation” by capitalists , particularly Jewish capitalists, of course. Their programs called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries.
you could not be further from the truth. Socialism is a left wing idealogy. Nazis were a far right fascist party who used the word Socialism to get the german public on side after years of issues after WW1, where the allies pretty much took everything from Germany and it’s people. The Nazi party became popular because they spoke about rebuilding Germany however it didn’t take long for them to show their true modus operandi. Both Socialism and Fascism are diametrically opposed. So do some more reading, because you are miles off in your judgment.
Much as it pains me I agree with you. HJaving read the historian John Toland's comprehensive biography of Adolf Hitler it is clear he used an easy target (scapegoat?)to stir up the masses by blaming a group of people (in his case the Jews) for the surrender of Germany in WW1 and subsequent problems. That is NOT the same as the current accusations aimed at teh Labor Party of anti-semitism within its ranks since they are not seeking to use it as a tactic to exploit the electorate. In fact, the nearest we have got in relatively recent times toeplicate the tactic was Thatcher's crusade against the unions and the "enemy within" episode . Yhat said, I still believe that extremes of ideologies right or left both exploit the population. Hence the well known phrase attributed to Galbraith, "Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite."
Never read as much bullshyt in my life apart from the lies told by Boris the Buffoon. Please tell me why they murdered anyone that was a member of the left-wing socialist party, anyone who was a member of the Communist Party and anyone with a physical or mental disability of which no socialist would ever dream of doing let alone carry it out.
In relevant recent times..... ie now. You seem to have glossed over the recent, constant and despicable right wing assault on immigrants. I agree with your initial point however.
Yet more lovely comments from our Prime Minister, this time after Dunblane and the subsequent ban on handguns: “Nanny is confiscating their toys. It is like one of those vast Indian programmes of compulsory vasectomy. “It is as if the state had decided to round up all the model train sets or the stamp collections, an operation causing immense distress to thousands of innocent enthusiasts, and just about as pointless.”
Communists aren’t socialists; they have a similar origin, but they’re as different as rugby and association football