I think the biggest problem is greed. Too much of the revenue is kept in the top tier and not enough trickles down to grass roots football. The gap between the PL and Championship grows each season, and now this same gap is starting to grow between the Championship and L1.
You said "Think I'm pretty much with you there. I'd like us to a well run, community Club, that's exciting to watch and mostly competitive in the 2nd tier. No real desires beyond that." It reads to me that you have no ambition beyond that. As in, be a stable championship club and don't want to be premiership standard and get there.
Ah right. Thought it was pretty clear what I said like. I don’t think it’s a realistic ambition for us to compete in the PL, as it stands (though the ESL may change that in time). I said I’d want to go on the journey to get there. But there’s many parts of the PL that I could definitely live without as a Barnsley fan. Getting to the PL is simply not a priority for me personally.