Sounds as though the Tories might now by looking at leaving under WTO conditions, instead of going with the no deal option. Home Secretary Sajid Javid has now declared his intention to stand to be the next PM on Twitter.
Groundhog Day! Excellent idea! Shall we simply implement this for every democratic result then? In fact let’s replay every single losing football match until we lift the cup at the Champions League!
The Leave vote IS split in two. What you're effectively admitting is that the majority do NOT want to leave with no deal. Are you seriously saying that all those who voted Leave wanted to come out with no deal? Many had fallen for the claim that the EU would be falling over themselves to give us a good deal. Remember those promises? 52% of the referendum was not for a no deal Brexit. If that had been the option on the ballot paper Leave would have been decimated. I know I'm wasting my breath. And if your response is that we have been offered a deal...fair'd better go have a word with Saints Boris and Nigel and get em to accept it.
I didn’t admit that at all... I said that some leavers may want some sort of deal. I never said that was a majority. I meant that your way was a simple dilution of the leave vote, whilst the remain vote isn’t.... whether you like it or not, there isn’t a deal yet. So do you want the brexit deal to be diluted by all the different ways that brexit could happen. Therefore remain eventually get a win. In other words, you as a minority get your own way... my guess is you don’t give a flying one for what the majority wants.
There is a deal. It's what the EU have offered. It's not the lovely cuddly deal your mob promised but it's a deal. So take it. I guarantee you it won't be what the majority wants though.
And you're educated enough in the intricacies of global contract law, finance and economics to make a 100% accurate assessment that leaving the EU is the best course of action? My point is none of us fukcing are. Why the fukc were we trusted with the biggest single decision our country will make in our lifetimes? It's not a high horse, it's utter despair.
Well here’s one... why don’t we vote in or out. Then a second vote deal or no deal. Then your “mob” gets a fair chance at it. You don’t want that fair chance again though, you want your own way...
If you had the understanding, you’d know that there is never 100% accuracy in any prediction of this kind. In fact any prediction is mere speculation as this is new territory. You seem to think that you know best, despite admitting that you know no more or less than the rest. However you assume you have a superior knowledge. Therefore a high horse... despair that people don’t agree, does not mean you are right!
But the majority don't want out at any expense. They never did. Quite obviously a fair number would rather stay in than come out with no deal. So there is no majority. You just won't accept that will you? After the utter car crash of the last three years and the broken promises about everything being easy you still cling to the claim that the majority want to leave at any cost. They don't. So leave with the current deal. Except the majority of the country don't want it. Leave with no deal except the majority of the country don't want it. You live in a cloud cuckoo land where all Nigel and Boris's promises are still as good as cash in the bank. This is all your mess and you don't have a clue how to sort it out.
Ok. So, you're saying that taking us out of the EU may end up with the UK being worse off than it is in the EU? So why would you risk it? My best guess is to stay in the EU cos we have established trade deals, access to counter terrorism information and innumerable industrial, financial and educational partnerships already on going. Honestly, why would you risk that? You know that leaving is a blind leap yet you still want to do it? You're pretty much proving my point better than I could.
What a joke, me not accepting others views.... You live in a cloud cuckoo land where you throw tantrums, then mess up any way of working through the country’s will. Then blame all the mess on purely leaving. You don’t have a clue.
It’s fair to say the following is true, based on all reports etc a "no deal" Brexit fall into two groups: Group 1 - wealthy and will profit from a deregulated UK Group 2 - completely ignorant of what a "no deal" Brexit means. Nail your colours to a mast fella.
Yes, because I believe the risk of staying in is worse. I’m proving none of your points. Staying in is also a blind leap of faith. The EU, is split as is Britain. We will be picking up the bills of many member states, but you fail to think about such things because it doesn’t fit your view.
Fair by who fella? You are being ignorant and arrogant... which is why you’ll never accept the decision. Until you get your own way.
Just asked you a question, bit defensive, the political discussion on here is usually quite good too, but hey just deny research by shouting project fear. I’m voting biscuit party. Because biscuits means biscuits.
You didn’t ask me a question, you’re showing ignorance again. You basically said I was one of two of your made up put downs. I wasn’t being defensive either, I merely mirrored your disgusting vocabulary and rhetorical put downs. Your research of “fair to say” is not research btw....