I can understand that. One thing that has puzzled me though is the fact that they had a good few cruise ships with the infection. What did they do , they got the passengers off ASAP...... surely a ship was one of the best isolation units. Anchor a little offshore and yay quarantine. To me there has been some quite stupid management across the world of this virus.
Not really a ship is about the worst thing for an isolation unit unless you don't care about the people on it - the virus gets spread in the confined spaces and through the air conditioning etc - look at for example the Diamond Princess with nearly 700 cases on it. Also most Cabins on ships are not designed for 24/7 occupation they are far too small for that - imagine being confined to an inside cabin for several weeks
They did that several times with cruise ships. People were stuck on them for ages???? It was all over the news.
Nope Once more; the important factor is the rate at which it spreads, flu is pretty crap, Corona is brilliant at it. The only way of stopping the spread of this virus is containment, as has been proven in China and why northern Italy is now shut down. until we take containment seriously, the number of cases will double every couple of days. and again; keep doubling the number of cases it doesn’t take long till it’s millions not hundreds.
It might be good for those on land apart from friends and relatives of course but a nightmare for those aboard .
And no one has any immunity to it so infection rates are 10 times ordinary flu, now is not a time to panic, but equally we can’t be cavalier about something which can kill you for which we have a no cure and know so little about. The disruption of managed isolation will surely be better then mass sickness. Even if it doesn’t directly result in death, many people rely for their life on others not being ill, for medication, for treatments, for care. If we just let everyone carry on as normal and end up even with only 20% of the population ill is going to be a cluster fk.
agreed... when I was in the armed forces I did 3 trips to the ascension Islands. There is a bay there called 'Comfortles cove' sailors from ships infected by Yellow fever were quaratined there. The y were supplied with food and medicines whidch were deliverd by boat along the beach. So no contact. My wife and i Hve been to comfotless cove .... their is a cemetary .... its quite wierd as when you enter the cemetary .... all sound seems to totally stop.