If you think we need a miracle for top 2 (which I think is well within our reach) why settle for a point anyway? It'd take a monumental collapse to drop out of the top 6
On a whim this morning, I thought knackers to it, I'm off to Exeter. Train down, cheap hotel, back tomorrow. Then I looked at trains. £189 off-peak return First class almost £500. Could fly to most major capital cities for that. This fu¢king country......
Especially considering we can watch on iFollow for a 10er. I did consider going down but even if I nipped off work early, I'm not getting back until 1.30am and its going to cost me 60 quid in electric to get there and back.
Not if we're going for top 2 and still six points off with also the worst GD.. we can't no, sorry. There's no let up now until the jobs done.
Assuming you're going from Yorkshire, split your tickets Sheffield>>>Birmingham>>>>Cheltenham>>>Bristol>>>>Exeter. Will very likely be cheaper and all on the same train, the only downside is faffing with so many tickets. Small price to pay for the money you'll likely save though