It's unacceptable and embarrassing for us not to have published last month's minutes when our next meeting is on Thursday. For those who have complained/are complaining, you're right to complain. February's minutes will be published however. As Gally has said earlier in this thread, this is an item on Thursdays agenda (which I'll mail out tomorrow). Its the Number 1 Priority item given the lack of communication since the last meeting. We've tried to set high standards for the FAB Group and this is not good enough. The whole process does need improving on both sides.
Quite honestly mate I think the fab group should start the meeting off by saying that unless the club can give cast iron assurances of taking the group seriously, acting on a single god damn thing raised and promising to do better with regards minutes with a confirmed timescale in place then the group cannot and will not continue. Just my opinion of course but I firmly believe they are completely taking the piss out of all your good natures.
If you want to have a go at the board for the time they've taken to get these minutes out, I don't have a problem. It's way too long. It's indefensible to be honest. My point was that it's not to hide an expressed an opinion, these things do have to be vetted in case something was said that might bring the club into disrepute, or leak sensitive information, but I can't think of a legitimate reason why it has taken so long. It's that they can't be bothered or they don't care, and there's plenty to get your teeth into with that, without having to look for anything else.
You've been supportive of the group previously ST and that's appreciated. This has been such a depressing season but I think I'd be right in saying that the FAB Group are still keen and determined to try and enable a positive effect on club/supporter relations. In adversity we find strength..... and all that bolux.
I'm very supportive of the group and of the volunteers in it. I attach zero blame to any of yourselves at all. I just think the club need telling pretty strongly that if they aren't going to take their responsibility seriously then neither are you because they are undermining you which is just so wrong imo.
Oh what a surprise, something else to add to the long list of incompetence the club has displayed over recent years. Wonder what the next thing will be.
@Gally who' is responsible for signing off these minutes? If it's just about ensuring no commercially sensitive information is contained within the minutes, does this fall with John ? Someone at the club needs to take ownership of this, a clear a lack of accountability culture within that someone can't find the time after 4 weeks to have signed off. Can the FAB not apply pressure or set some timeframes in advance that both parties adhere to perhaps or do they and they aren't being met?
That's good @55&counting. I apologise if I appeared critical of FAB members too - that wasn't my intention. It must be hugely frustrating for you all too.