Kyren Wilson was great. Not sure if it was his first world champs or 2nd but we were outside the stage door about to go round for the evening session and in he comes. Signs autographs, takes photos , chats away all the time in the world. And he won his match too!
Completely forgot Dickie. He sits near me or used to when attending games was allowed and have often had a few words at the match. Comes over just like any other committed fan.
saw the Queen in person once, at Doncaster races,did not speak to her as she was presenting a trophy, but thought "**** me thats the Queen 5 yards from me", you could tell she had money
I've been fortunate to meet quite a number of famous people in football and most of them were nice personable people. Some of the nice ones Ossie Ardiles, Luka Modric, Carlo Ancelotti, Glen Hoddle, Sami Khedira, Chris Hughton, but the daftest was when I lived in Hong Kong. I played for HKFC, the only amateur team in the professional league. In 1983 we played a game against 'Eastern' for whom Alan Ball played. In the club bar after the game we got 'hammered' and it ended up with us singing a duet. I can't remember the score but the song was 'Heart of my Heart'. I think we lost 1 - 0.
Prince William, Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse, Geoffrey Palmer and Wendy Craig, a few other lesser known actors off the TV. I think it was early 2008 when the then Flt Lt Wales visited HQ Air Command at High Wycombe. It was a private visit and I met him in the corridor - he was heading for the CINC’s office. I wouldn’t normally call officers of his low rank Sir but I paid him that courtesy and escorted him to the inner sanctum. He was charming and smiley throughout. The others I met around 2008-10 having retired from Air Force life to do a spot of private hire driving for a couple of years. Based in Princes Risborough I was part of a small firm driving a Jag/BMW/Merc to and from various film shoots in the area, pick ups at upmarket restaurants and in and around London and the airports. Good fun mostly but the “celebs” were never all that generous with the tips. Paul Whitehouse apologised for only having 20p change, but I could have it. I just laughed!
best Dickie Bird story I heard is one when he goes to see Boycott at Notton and he pressing intercom on Boycotts gate, no reply, he shouting over fence "its me Geoffrey, Dickie", still no reply, so he clamber up and looks over fence, Boycott sat in deck chair in garden, Dickie goes all non plussed "can you believe it, he was blummin well ignoring me", poor Dickie
Met several celeb chefs, only ones that were arses were hairy bikers (still can’t watch them). met Ronnie Glavin, nice bloke, Colin McRae was a man of few words in real life (spoke a few times) but always seemed to interview well. biggest surprise was Lenny Henry, really humble, funny and genuine. Also met several senior politicians through work and they’re usually exactly as you’d expect (arses), most impressed with David Blunkett who’s one of the smartest humans I ever met.
Ian Botham - went to see him in panto years ago and my Dad took me back stage. He always had a whisky after the show so I took him it, knocked on his dressing room door and handed it over. Bob Monkhouse - he was a friend of my Dad's and rang the house a few times and I picked the phone up. Really nice guy. Bobby Ball - another friend of my Dad's as he was musical director for their summer tour. Ronnie Glavin - went on a football cruise in the Mediterranean and he was one of the coaches. Really nice guy. Alan Mullary - as above. Norman Hunter - as above, he played left back in one game we played, with me at left wing. Was a class act even though it was years after he retired. Super nice guy.
Met Dickie a few times, not as a fan approaching him but in a situation where I was customer service and I am sorry to say that every time he came across as a stingy, pompous git. Shouting and belittling when he didn't get his own way. Shame really. Paul Daniels and the lovely Debbie McGee when they were in panto in Sheffield a few years back.
Quite a few what with me working in advertising. All were really nice. Did a lot of work with Amanda Redman who was a laugh and Keely Hawes who if you passed in the street you wouldn’t recognize. Probably the nicest bloke was Suggs from Madness. The sort of bloke that after a few minutes you felt like he was an old friend.
I was driving a mini bus load of the Fast Show mob from the Napier restaurant above Chinnor to Enfield’s cottage and when we arrived they all just fell out laughing their silly heads off like school boys. I forget who paid the fare but Paul checked back and wanted to give me something. It was a struggle for him to get his hand in his jeans pocket. Like I said, I just laughed, and thanked him of course!
Had to stop twice for the Queen, once when she was heading back to Windsor Castle after visiting the Queen Mum and once in Egham when she was coming back from the Derby at Epsom. She never waved
Jamie Carragher came to a school I worked in to talk to the kids and recorded a piece for me to go on the year 6's leavers DVD - lovely bloke.
Oh and I pissed on Arthur Scargill's shoes in The Edmunds in Worsbrough Village. In the bog and by mistake of course.
I once got about the same distance from Princess Diana. My Boss whispered something very rude under his breath to me and I instantly turned into one of the centurions from the biggus dickus sketch
Forgot about Stephen Lewis as well - played Blakey in On the Buses - met him at Panto in Barnsley and also opened my local in Liverpool. Hard to tell if he was nice as he was in character - lol