Which also highlights a different problem - the rules are too complicated - if you want everyone to understand and obey them you dont want to have to find small print hidden away - A lot of the rules dont really stack up against science - the one about group excercise seems to be one So my understanding of that is several people can go to a gym independently and excercise on treadmils rowing machines etc or presumably even on a mat. but if the gym organises a session with a trainer present then thats not allowed - it makes no sense. I still dont get the substantial meal one in pubs and restaurants either - so in tier 2 you cant go with your work colleagues you share an office with to a pub at lunchtime and have a sandwich and a drink, but you can go as long as you have pie and chips instead of a sandwich its ludicrous
At least two of the vaccines require two doses a couple of weeks apart. So, the immunity will not be immediate.
There were no indoor exercise classes permitted in tier 3 before this either? Sorry have I misunderstood your post?
Sorry Titus, Metrodome initially closed down classes when we entered Tier 3 but this was reversed and classes were reinstated after discussions took place between the local authority and BPL (and other gym owners) Ths option i not available this time as the imposition is not by the local authority this time.
Ah ok fair enough. I know my girlfriend's classes were stopped at her local gym when Tier 3 came in. She could still go and exercise just not in groups
How do you go on in in these group classes (under normal circumstances) with all these women bending over in front of you? I'd find it a bit too distracting
Weren't gyms shut in Merseyside, but allowed to stay open in Lancashire/Manchester when they entered Tier 3?
Filter it to 'Rate in Last 7 Days' and click it twice to get the highest at the top. We are then on page 8. The figures are updated daily. http://ukcovid19.nw.r.appspot.com/summary
The annoying thing, you can often see what they are trying to avoid (large scale piss ups with a bag of crisps or service station sarnie), but making an absolute shambles of the execution to the point it doesn't hold up to basic reason, let alone science.
Do we think there's an advantage in having a few fans in grounds for clubs in Tier 2 then? I can imagine a few thousand fans in smallish grounds like Norwich or Bournemouth will really give the home side a lift.