Fao ex Grammar School / Holgate Pupil. Updated

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by fired, Apr 24, 2023.

  1. fir

    fired Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 15, 2007
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    Another update from The Shaw Lane Foundation.
    We have been successful in our Heritage Lottery bid. This means that subject to finalising paperwork, we can create a Holgate / Grammar School “Museum”, incorporating the memorial to former pupils who died in the war.
    The Museum, which will be located at the Shaw Lane Sports Club, will include permanent displays, relating to the school, as well as a dedicated website with gallery and stories.
    Plans are already in place to reinstate the dedication to the WW2 former pupils on Thursday 9th November starting at 10:30am. This will include a ceremony to read out the names, as it was done in school, over the years.
    I will update again once there are more definite plans.
    For now should anyone have any items of interest they would like to donate for displays (ties, reports, photos, alumni magazines/ yearbooks etc.) please get in touch.
    Any former pupils wishing to attend the Remembrance Service in November should also get in touch (for catering purposes).
    Contact foundation@shawlane.com

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