But it's not your debt, it's her debt and after graduation hopefully she'll get a decent job on the back of it , and if so she'll pay about 40 quid a month back . She's more than happy with this as are her friends at uni . Why the hell should Mr or Mrs Joe bloggs pay for MY daughters education?
The starting salary for a copper is I understand to be £20000 plus. If that qualifies for lining up at a food bank then more than a third of our population need free food too.
That's not true JD, its performance related, are you suggesting 100% should get a performance related increase?
My daughter wants to do medicine starting next year. She can go to a UK uni and run up £50k in tuition fee debts, or she can go to Dublin and run up £12k (15K€) for the same course. Its even cheaper in the Netherlands but would have to learn Dutch for the final two years. Don't we need doctors??
What I said is completely true. I'm saying why should the 1% be performance related? There are performance thresholds to cover actual pay rises which should be given on merit, the 1% is linked to inflation and shouldn't be used as a bargaining chip as it results in pay cuts if not given.
Are you and your daughter of sound mind, or just taking the **** because no one volunteers to throw £30,000 away and have said amount as a millstone round their necks for years to come.
The problem with 'performance related' regarding the teaching profession is that they aren't building a car from components or selling products - they are trying to educate human beings, who by definition are all different and the assumption that one year's intake can be compared to the previous is quite frankly insane. Sent from the darkest recesses of a poisoned mind.
Its a tough choice but it's her education and future. We shouldn't expect the general taxpayer to pay for further education . Good luck to your daughter I'm sure she'll make the right choice .
Whilst I compeltely agree with that, my point wasn't even in regards to whether performance related pay should exist or not, it was specifically about the 1% due to inflation that shouldn't be performance assessed. My friend is at the top of the standard pay scale and so can not get anymore pay rises until she takes on a management responsibility, which is fair enough. However, as she was denied the 1% pay rise she actually had a pay cut for last year. The best bit is she was never told at any point throughout the year that her performance wasn't up to scratch and had had consistently 'good' lesson observations. It has been said on the grapevine that they refused the 2 people who were at the top of the payscale as they had to stop 2 people's to meet the 10% guidance and they would have otherwise had to stop someone progressing up the scale (which would have meant a far bigger loss to those people). They would have also had more work proving why people moving up the scale didn't meet that criteria, whereas they were able to just say 'no' to anyone for the 1%. This year, they again chose 2 people who had just made it to the top of the scale.
I'll pay for their education in my taxes willingly. Need someone to look after me if I fall ill or have an accident and educate my grandkids and their kids , I'm civilised I am.
Pah. I haven't voted Labour since I realized Blair was a plastic Tory, I like Corbyn though. Tha knows nowt.
Exactly the same happened at my wife's school - it was used as a tool to manage out staff whose face didn't fit. Meanwhile SLT expanded at an exponential rate. Sent from the darkest recesses of a poisoned mind.
Yes, my generation got the chance of free university education ( I wasn't clever enough, not even a GCE to my name), so why shouldn't she.
Yes, they are. Expensive teachers are managed out every year across the country. Edit: article from just 1 day ago https://www.nasuwt.org.uk/article-listing/experienced-teachers-are-forced-out-of-their-jobs-.html I have seen this first hand and know plenty of others who have at their schools too.
Think the problem was in the past when everyone got the performance increase regardless of their performance.