Weekend work is few and far between anyway now but get your point about weekends. Now signs are printed and put out to save on staffing.
Makes my point about elitism and privilege and preference. The institution clearly has a strong political arm and agenda. The agenda is to maintain and pass on privilege at the cost of the rest of the population. Socialism doesn’t mean that everyone has equal talents and abilities, but the minimum it should deliver is an equal start and a level playing field. In this country we don’t have that. How anyone can support this is beyond me.
I sympathise with you friend. I also have an autistic grandson and his mother has been an absolute Trojan in fighting for his rights. He was excluded from school, because he couldn’t cope with it. Austerity means that local authorities have no budget to help him even though they carry a legal responsibility. She has won a place for him in a school that can cope with his problems albeit in another county. As you know there are many levels of profundity under the banner of autism, but I worry all the time about his future when we’re not here for him. He’s been unfortunate in spending the eight years of his life under a Tory government.
No need to do that - just tax inherited wealth @ rates equivalent to income tax. This will re-distribute wealth
To the brexit party supporters this is a ploy I hope you can see through. Vote brexit party and you've inadvertently voted Tory. Tactics plain for all to see. If you want brexit without a deal fine which most brexit voters on here appear to want. But all your doing is helping to reinstate a Tory government. Who also against your wishes are still trying to strike up a deal. Only if that fails will they withdraw. Labour rightly or wrongly are putting the issue back to the vote within 6 months. I for one am getting tired of the situation also. But would like to see a vote. now we all are more aware of the implications of a hard brexit. What would you be scared of. If you believe you have the right to vote for the party of your choice fair enough I understand. But Farage is not giving your supporters in other constituencies that opportunity. Wonder why. I've always said I hate the Tories more than I love labour. And would vote for anyone that would beat the Tories in a marginal seat. At least it might return a labour government. All it does is split the labour vote. Do you honestly think Tory brexit voters will vote brexit party on this occasion. Not on your life.
Tory remain MPs not challenged in South while Labour MPs who support Brexit are being challenged for example Dennis Skinner . Liberal Democrat MP stood aside in Canterbury to give Labour remain MP a better chance.
Tactical voting has always been around. ( Thankfully I've never had to use that ploy) this has to be the most abhorrent tactic ever employed in effect . Farage will disappear again after the election knowing he has achieved his goal (To be seen). The return of a Tory government.
I live in South Cambridgeshire and although Cambridge may go to labour my constituency has been shared between Tories and liberals (mainly Tory) for a long time. I voted tactically for the liberals when Clegg sold out and swore I never would again. Faced with the current situation I may just have to change my mind. It would probably be good around here if the labour candidate stepped down. We’ll have this until we get PR and everybody’s vote counts.
I understand your concerns but always remember the next government can restore or enhance anything a previous government has done.
The natives of the north American plains used to love living in tipis. Very convenient and easy to transport. Warm in winter, cool in summer. Don't think they had The Mirror although they were around when The Telegraph came into use...