Just to add to this, that mythical feeling of your body telling you it's full. Never get that feeling, my plate gets emptied every time, tried slowing down, chewing more but always same. Like a human version of a labrador Anybody have same issue?
Sometimes but it’s generally always when I’ve been eating sugary things. Fattier (but not fatty and sugary) foods keep me fuller for longer, so nuts, avocado, eggs etc. It’s also useful to consider if you’d want to eat 500 calories worth of broccoli or plain rice or something else boring - it soon becomes clear whether you’re hungry or just craving crap.
Flashbacks! "Can I have a coke?" "No." "But I'm thirsty!" "If you were really thirsty then you'd drink water."
My Fitness Pal. Mentioned earlier in the thread. It’s an app - used to log all your calories and keep track of everything. You can scan barcodes (not always accurate), really good. You have to weigh things before you eat etc but it makes you more aware of what you’re consuming and how easily you can massively over-eat without realising. For example my usual order from the Chinese or kebab shop would very likely be the correct caloric intake for at least two whole days. They’re very obvious examples - but even ‘normal’ meals with what you’d consider normal portions tend to be much more than you actually need.
MyFitnessPal is an app where you enter your current weight, how much you want to lose per week and it tells you how many calories you should eat broken up into how many grams of fat, carbs, protein etc. It doesn’t let you save your diary if you eat below 1000 calories and it tells you how much you would weigh in 5 weeks if ‘every day was like today’. You do have to be completely honest and that generally involves weighing any food that isn’t a set amount listed on a packet. Here’s a screenshot of two of my days (yesterday when I went slightly over on fat as we ordered pizza in and a few days ago when my fat/carb/protein ratio was more balanced). My weight is still listed as 9st 10lb to give context (I’m actually now 9st 8lb but had forgotten to change it). No judging my meals though! It’s just to show you the app. Edit: I didn’t realise that the screenshots didn’t show calories earned from exercise which is why I was given more on Friday, I’d got 478 calories from 3 hours of hiking. Edit 2: I now realise it does state it, just in tiny font. Edit 3: Almost no one enters the level of sodium correctly as they almost always do g rather than mg. Just something to be aware of if you do want to track salt.
Can't be arsed to go back through the thread. So may have already been mentioned But weight loss injections since being available without prescriptio Leave those In real need for health's sake in a bit of a pickle. And afore anyone says. Just a healthy lifestyle for fatties. Not all overweight people eat unhealthily. Eg Copied Medical Conditions: In rare cases, certain medical conditions can significantly slow down metabolism, leading to weight gain. However, these conditions are not the norm and are not the primary cause of weight gain for most people. The demand for weight-loss injections like Wegovy and Mounjaro is soaring, leading to supply constraints and potential shortages, especially with the NHS expanding access to these medications, while also raising concerns about off-label use and online sales. Here's a more detailed look at the situation: Demand: High and Growing: Demand for weight-loss injections, particularly those containing semaglutide (like Wegovy and Ozempic) and tirzepatide (like Mounjaro), has surged due to their effectiveness and popularity. Off-Label Use: The rise in demand is partly fueled by off-label prescriptions for weight loss, where these drugs, originally intended for diabetes, are used for weight management.
I presume you’re taller than me and you’ve already said you’re a bloke so there’d probably be more of a concern if you was! Will got down to just under 10st a couple of years ago and I sent him to the doctor who did MRIs and all sorts on him due to the unexpected rapid weight loss (he wasn’t dieting). My ‘ideal’ weight is around 9st 7lb so I’m going to stop there in hopefully a week but I’m happy anywhere between 9st and 10st.
Good luck and just be honest with it. It’s eye opening to see what’s actually in the food you eat. It’s also so boring I sometimes don’t snack because I can’t be arsed to log it
Glad it's not just me! "I could really go for a biscuit with this cuppa...ah, but then I have to get my phone out, open the app, find the right biscuits on the list, record them and probably feel disappointed that I've almost breached my limit for the day. Maybe I'll just have the cuppa..."
Also, when I can be bothered, I find and select the thing, and then seeing the values takes all the pleasure away and I decide not to bother and delete it instead! Tip to anyone: always log it first then you can change your mind. You’re a bit stuck if you’ve already eaten it before you see it’s 30g of fat and you’d only got 10g left for the day! A few times I’ve done it the wrong way around and had to drag myself on a walk to gain the calories back.
Might work when you are young and healthy but believe me things start to change. I was round 12st up to my forties, put a bit on after that but once I got older and my mobility got worse the weight went up then you are fighting a losing battle, despite still eating healthily
I've tried them. I lost three stone in the last year using them on AND going to Slimming World. I say on and off because they play havoc with my insides, and I get this unpleasant sulphur burp for me and those around me. It's quite offensive So I take them for a bit and have a break. I've tried Ozempic and now Mounjarno. I get the same side effects from both, but they certainly help. They really work to suppress my appetite. I've always struggled with weight loss. I've tried almost every diet under the sun over the years, and this combination is the only thing I've been able to make work (tell a lie - Keto worked for a while in lockdown but it's bloody hard to start it again when you have some carbs). I have been on varying amounts of steroids for my Vasculities for about 20+ years, and that gives me an unhealthy appetite. A new drug treatment has allowed me to reduce those significantly, and I think that has also helped. I have had to lose weight, though, as well. The vasculitis has done for my kidney function, so I have been having workups for a kidney transplant and eventual dialysis (although I'm hanging in there with 11% kidney function at the moment). There was a weight target I had to reach as part of that transplant work, which I have now hit, but I am still trying to continue with the weight loss. I have found Slimming World to be good, though. It's more like a way of life than a diet, and I highly recommend it. The transplant listing is on hold at the moment, though, as I had a flare of the Vasculitis as they found active disease in my lungs. I recently had a couple of rounds of autoimmune suppression treatment to try and get it under control.
No I don't think it makes anything taste unpleasant. It just makes you feel less hungry. It does make my burps smell unpleasant sometimes however