Same as you mate, I've just downloaded the app and created an account, now comes the really hard part . In all seriousness I'm going to give it a go. I'm 5ft 10 and 14 stone so need to have a look at what I'm eating. I'm fairly active but my diet is all over the place!
Completley changed my outlook on food around 10 years ago, I was quite fortunate as a youngster that I could pretty much eat what I wanted without gaining weight, so thought that's how it would always be, especially being 6ft also helped. It wasn't until i ruptured my achilles tendon, which then tore again during the healing stage and I spent the best part of 8 months unable to exercise and became pretty low, hugging the couch day in day out, that I realised the damage that can be done from our relationship that our brains have with food. My weight went from a steady healthy 12st 6 upto just under 17st in a little over 12/14 months, I'd pretty much eaten everything and anything as a comfort to feeling down about things. The trigger point was losing a friend to a heart attack aged 41, his diet was just pure junk and combined with smoking he unfortunately became a victim of what he put in his body, I miss him alot, he wasn't particularly fat perhaps carried a Stone more than he should have but to look at you wouldn't have thought he was in the danger zone. It definitely made me sit up and realise that you don't have to be fat to be unhealthy and heart disease is a real killer in everyone despite the outside appearences. I got my act together after losing my friend, I couldn't play football any longer not even 5 a side after the Achilles so took up swimming which is fantastic, I probably average 12k to 15k steps a day mainly through work and combined with swimming I'm 13st 2lbs now, which is about right. I very rarely eat processed stuff these days, it is hard to start with as your brain can't be bothered to drag you away from the TV to invest time in cooking/prepping food, I used to see it as a chore, I now see it more of an investment, we wouldn't leave a leaking roof on our houses but we will gladly neglect what we put in our bodies, because we often take things and life itself for granted. Thin doesn't automatically equate to healthy in the same way there are healthy people on the large side, it's about being healthy, mentally and physically and what we put in our bodies makes a big difference. I still enjoy a takeaway, still love a Guinness but it's about balance, there's far too many takeaways about and it's so easy to get into habbits for ease that can spiral. Invest in your diet for your health and not just for appearance.
Got the slimming World books out ,going to do the diet first before the injection route. It's a really good thread this. Very encouraging to read that your not alone ,with the weight problems. And great to read some of the experiences, and success from most on the thread,rather than reading negative threads. Thanks for sharing, it's given me the kick up the arse.
Actually no, I'm really trying to drink more water. I've cut out a lot of fizzy zero drinks since I started. I used to drink maybe 6 cans of Coke Zero a day, I'm now down to 1 every morning, just for a caffeine hit then I drink water all day. I'm probably drinking 1.5l of water a day currently but it needs to be more. I've lost 4.5lbs since last Friday. I'm eating incredibly healthy, more fruit and more protein and greens.
That's nearly 5 pounds in 3 days ,jesus that is a result, even if it Friday before 9 days that is still brilliant
Join a group if you can. I think its a key part ot making it work. It might feel bit overwhelming but if its anything like my group you will be welcomed.
I know a few people on it. Basically just surpresses your appetite so your don't feel hungry. Sat with a lass other day. Bought a sandwich, just ate the ham out of it and left the bread and salad as couldn't face rest of it. thing is as soon as you stop taking it you eat like a pig again. Your not changing your habits or exercising your just less hungry. So it's a battle once you stop with the injections. Also losing a lot of weight quickly not good leave ya with baggy skin
I peaked out at 16 stone about 2 years ago, been hovering just over 15 for the last 2 years. Since I was diagnosed with Type 2 I’ve really struggled with my weight unfortunately
I'm not good with my diet. Pretty bad at managing portion sizes etc and I know that trying to measure them out won't work for me because frankly I'm too lazy to do things like that So instead I'm cutting out the snack or at least vastly reducing them. No more buying crisps and chocolate from the supermarket. Apart from owt else it'll save me a small fortune. Also going to try a bit more exercise so tonight after getting home from work at 6pm, instead of sitting in the car I changed my shoes to trainers and went for a walk. Did 11km in just under 2 hours. Lovely view too. We really are lucky to live where we do