Out of your list it's Barry Davies. You've missed out on two great radio commentators in Peter Jones and Mike Ingham. Plus there has to be a honourary mention for Archie 'woof' MacPherson
That was my vote too Big Lil, but perhaps for less obvious reasons. I remember when the infamous Heysel Stadium European Cup Final was halted by the trouble. Barry Davies was left on the mic for BBC and delivered a memorable account of what was unfurling to the horror of all who witnessed it. I recall him saying something like "I can recall a time when I stood on the terraces with my father without any segregation between opposing fans" and lamenting what had become of football and the deadly consequences of rivalry going too far. It was a superb testament and I have never forgotten it. He seemed a man of great decency to me.
Whitey. I forget the name of his mate. They just pitch it perfectly. Understated, the attempt to be non-partisan, but that little bit of malice when things go against us and that little bit of jubilation when things go for us. It's just bang on. It's genuinely something a bit special, even though they won't admit it. And this is from someone who has a few issues with the guy, so this is taken on merit. It's very good. You're Post-Postmodern Whitey you arsehole.
I really like Ian Darke but that’s more for his commentary on the boxing than football. Thought Clive Tyldesley’s voice was perfect for them big champions league games when ITV had the coverage.