It's just been the way the cookie crumbles this year I'm afraid. That's life. Let's have a good close season on recruitment and retention, pack the ground for the opening day and unleash the celebrations quite a few missed out on by blowing someone away at Oakwell.
Reading all this makes me feel the same even though I did own up to that feeling of smugness afterwards. It brings to mind Alan Partridge stuck on his own in the motel room trying desperately to enjoy himself whilst in the next room some gorgeous bird is getting shagged senseless and yelling out in ecstasy. My wife doesn't like football so my celebration was a lonely affair, albeit smug, and I'd nobody to share it with. Even when I went out into the garden to take the doggies for a celebratory bedtime wee and I started to sing a few bfc songs I was told to shut up. As many of you have said it became an anticlimax. (a smug one but lonely)
So we are all agreed then - next time we would prefer to do it via the play offs so we can all be there