I think the more likely position is previous owner knows current owner, has run out of money, doesn't want the negative attention, strikes a deal with new owner to take the hit and the flak, and lo and behold, the company enters administration after the previous owner has gone. It's happened quite a few times where a well known ego driven business owner doesn;t want the negative publicity, so sells for little, puts a clause in for a minimum period of trading and then it goes pop. BHS and Zavvi spring to mind.
A group of them have been digging into the new owner, ever since the takeover was possible in May apparently. They claim that has brought up various bits of evidence that has since been forwarded to their QC. How much of it was verified / admissible remains to be seen. From what I can gather, it looks like their defence is that the club were victims of allegedly fraudulent activity, and that the takeover should never have been allowed. They've clearly given the panel plenty to think about. That said, if our owners were dodgy, and put us in the hands of someone even dodgier, who puts us straight into administration. I'd reserve my anger at the owners, rather than the EFL or Barnsley.
This is why I’ve no sympathy for their fans, they’ve had the good times through these means so will now have to deal with the bad. That’s football.
1. No they haven't 2. It's not court 3. Not necessarily 4. Wigan's predicament has literally nothing to do with any action taken by Barnsley FC ever I have every sympathy Wigan, including this lad.
Lots of Wigan fans screaming outrage at the fact that Barnsley have had some input, without having any idea of what that input is, and who has approved it. Lots of talk about inconsistency with the Stevenage / Macclesfield case, but there is one distinct difference between the two. As the tables currently stand, Stevenage are in the relegation zone, and the EFL are appealing to effectively put Macclesfield there. Stevenage's position can only improve or stay as is. Barnsley currently sit outside of the relegation zone, and Wigan are appealing against the EFL, to effectively put us back into the bottom 3. Suspect the input from Barnsley will not go much further than stating what our current position is, and what the implication of overturning the result would be.
Behave yourself, a Barnsley fan feeling confident about things! Iv'e supported the Reds for over 50Years, and believe me Barnsley fans have to be right up there for being the most pessimistic people on Earth. I'm more on the side of a Glass half full person, and I believe 100% that Barnsley will be in the Championship after this hearing has been concluded. Onwards and upwards, come on you Reds!!!
We probably just sent a representative along to the hearing. It's not like we marched in with company lawyers and our CEO, took to the stand, argued for Wigan to be banished to League One, etc. It's not like we're the prosecution in this. We're just an interested party who, as you say, was likely consulted in terms of impact.
Theirs 100 percent a reason why we was there. People dont know the true facts and if we was there for a serious reason, I hope we state it publicly today after the abuse we are getting
I don't think we even did that. From an interview with Wigan's QC, looks like we've submitted something in writing, but not actually attended / joined the hearing.
Not a surprise that a club that went bust from spending cash they haven't got are supporting another similar club. Never forget the tweet if the new Bury ever ask us to send them a team for a friendly.
Their fans are not stopping Its like a barrage of screaming kicking kids that wont stop. And they are getting some sympathy and support. I've even seen a petition getting handed about. And whilst I can agree with what the petition is aiming for, it is to change future events, not to correct shitty deals already done 12 points should stand. And Dee dahs down the road should also have been this season IMO