Many work places won't be so fair about and people will have to work or not get paid. We certainly won't be booking any foreign holidays for the foreseeable future
How are they going to police the people coming back from Spain to make sure the quarantine themselves
Same way they did it before the travel corridors were introduced and the same way they're doing it today for countries outside of the travel corridors. They're going to take their details at the point of entry and then, in my experience, hope they do what they're told.
Not everyone goes on holiday on the ist day of the 6 weeks holiday , its awful to happen to anyone but if they had brought it in the other day , or next week or the week after it would still impact many people, but there was always the risk of spikes & I"m afraid booking anything at any time is a gamble at the moment 7 you cannot lay the blame at the British government or the Spanish government , this will be a bumpy road for a long time .
Not that I particularly disagree with the policy but do you not see a slight irony in schools coming over all heavy handed on attendance when they’ve spent the last four months putting every possible obstruction in the way of children being allowed to get a proper education?
They're not doing. The government has said they will fine people who don't attend, that was not a decision taken by individual schools. The email I referred to was for staff. Schools have not put 'every possible obstruction in the way of children being allowed to get a proper education'. We have been following the law and have had to change our entire way of working with no notice (schools closed the same afternoon that the announcement was made) and adapt constantly as the guidance keeps continually changing (sometimes 41 times in a week). You do realise that the government doesn't phone up every headteacher, teacher and support staff and ask their opinion on things, right? We watch the tv, read the pdfs and have to try and implement overnight whatever new idea gets plucked out of thin air whilst catering for 1600 students and their parents with no extra funds or training. We did the best we could possibly do and that's what we will continue doing.
Costa Blanca here, not far from Torrevieja. Looking forward to some cooler weather back home on Tuesday. I've not participated in any stay at home/quarantine stuff before. I wonder how it will be administered. Do you just have to promise to stay indoors? Who's going to check on you?
Basically, stay at home, don't leave the house for any reason. If you do, you're a ****. That's the jist of it.
Im sorry but we’ll have to agree to disagree. In our household we’ve got a school governor and a school business manager and at every turn when trying to ensure key worker children can be accommodated there’s been obfuscation, reasons given why things can’t be done, constant calls for ‘guidance’ instead of utilising initiative to actually try and get things done, hand-wringing and a general ‘can’t do’ attitude which is particularly pervasive of the teaching unions. That’s my view. Your school may well be different, I hope so.
I had a nice walk on the one mile long boardwalk that goes out from the Torrevieja promenade to sea with a lighthouse at the end. About 90 per cent of people on there were wearing a mask. Not sure why in such an obviously open space. Driving back from the town everyone I saw on the pavements was wearing one. It was stiflingly hot. Even some in cars by themselves wearing them. They take it seriously over here.
I think it’s the rules isn’t it, even outdoors in open spaces? Really well observed as well, but doesn’t seem to have made a blind bit of difference. Who knew eh? Or rather WHO knew - before they were got at and did a U-turn...
I'm on leave for 2 weeks from 15th August. Nothing booked. I'm going to have take a leaf out my late Father's book, he never travelled abroad. He used to go Filey for the day on 7 separate occasions over the summer and call it a weeks holiday.
Like most of this governments policies the quarantine one is a complete sham. Choose your exemption from the hundreds available in the list on the website, enter it in the appropriate box on the form you have to submit before travelling and there’ll be no further questions asked. My own personal exemption was genuine but no questions were asked after returning from Sweden having been stuck there for 17 weeks. I did exercise extreme caution on my return and got tested immediately as my wife is in the high risk category.