And then the quarter final in Samara which nobody could get to for reasonable money. I ended up selling my ticket for under face value because of the lack of affordable transport options.
Perhaps, the world cup should be played - at least at the group stages - within each continent. So the South American teams play in South America and the top two progress to the next stage elsewhere, the European team play in Europe and the top two progress, and the Asian teams play in Asia and the top two progress, etc. Then 8 teams go to one country for the quarter finals onwards. That would save a lot of the travelling and pollution that result, the tournament would be cheaper to run for the host nation, etc.
Maybe just have the qualifiers, with the group winners going into another round of games and the best two going forward. Until we get electric planes or players/fans willing to travel on boats it'll reduce the impact. But its FIFA, so everybody will be in Saudi Arabia ferried around in Hummers doing gallons to the mile. The sooner they run out of oil, the better the world will be.
It will be fascinating to see how FIFA reconcile their greenwashing crap about their commitment to sustainability with a World Cup in.... the biggest oil producing state in the world. Actually, it won't. It'll be more sickening gaslighting and flashy marketing. "We're here to talk about the football" etc etc. How about they hold the Women's and Men's WCs in the same nation to raise the profile of the... oh wait. Women's football has hundreds of out gay players... illegal in Saudi Arabia.