The Matrix. Watched it the first time and simply didn't understand it. Watched it again a few weeks later and still haven't a clue what it's about.
I didn't like the remake, for me Christopher Timothy was James Herriot. Got all the books and read them multiple times.
Was just going to post this! A few scenes made my eyes water! Anyway here’s another film I wish I hadn’t seen, purely for the big revelation at the end, although it was a great film to be fair……
The Adventures Of Ford Fairlane. Yes, you are wondering why you've not heard of it. The reason is it is appalling!
The Room, so bad it was incredible. The film The Disaster Artist, about it’s release and making, is absolutely superb though.
What's Eating Gilbert Grape. I don't know to this day why it sounded like a good idea to go and watch this tripe.
One of the Twilight films was so bad I was asleep within about 10 minutes and woken up by the end credits. Human Centipede - never worked out how that managed to have 2 sequels! In the so bad its good category - the Ed Wood classic "Plan 9 from Outer Space". The main actor (Bela Lugosi) died just after filming started and they replaced him with someone that looked nothing like him but couldn't afford to reshoot the footage so used old film of him from another film. The plot, special effects, acting, dialogue and production are worse than the average 12-year old on TikTok. Its fantastic.
I saw it at Leicester Square and had no idea what was going on. I lived right at the bottom of Isle of Dogs at the time. For some unknown reason, (it was really late), I walked past my block and to the river, looked over and just happened to time it that multiple huge glass balls on boats went floating by. Their was some form of light on each one that was a subtle green. It cast a bizarre glow on each of these balls and having just watched the matrix was freakishly weird. I read the day after that they were floating some of the capsules down the Thames for the London Eye. The first matrix film is one of my favourites now. But I didn't watch it for a few years and it did take quite a few watches to really get into it.