Tell you what though Jim, if we had the money the next 5-10 years are going to be extremely interesting, record wise. There’s gonna be some cracking record collections hitting the market, as the baby boomers reach old age and shuffle off. At the same time, the market for 50s and 60s records is gonna shrink dramatically. There won’t be many under 50s who’ll be interested in a lot of that stuff. So all the rock and roll collections are going to have to be sold quickly, as the prices are bound to fall, as their market, well, starts dying. I’m already picking up some great old stuff for next to nothing. I’m not getting back into record collecting though, not in the same way we did when we were kids. I’m just buying records I want to listen to. Of course, if there’s special editions I’ll choose those, but I’m not gonna get all completist with any artists (except my Stephen Duffy collection that I’ve been building for 30 years, of course). I’ve done that once with records and then with CDs, so I’m not doing it for a third time. Problem is, there’s a lot I want to listen to, so I imagine the postman will continue fetching a lot of boxes here, but it won’t be a collection, if you know what I mean, just a load of different things to listen to. I did enjoy record shopping for the first time with my lad recently, who got his first record player for Christmas. We went over to Bear Tree a few weeks ago, as I had something to pick up. The problem with him is that he’s into rock. I think that all started when we went to watch Slacki’s son in School of Rock (Jake is an incredible guitar player). I was pleasantly surprised that he chose Different Class, when I said I’d buy him whichever album he wanted. His mate has great musical taste and seems to be into the stuff we were both into in the 90s, so I’m hoping it rubs off on him. In the meantime, I’m trying to steer him toward Sabbath, Gary Moore and early AC/DC and away from all that big haired, American, 80s nonsense. The thing I’m worried about is that when I started getting into music I ****** off with most of my dad’s collection, so I’ll be keeping an eye on what’s disappearing from my shelves.
This is possibly the rarest disc I own. A Mr. C demo CD. So rare, I had to add it to the Discogs database. I notice that someone has put it in their wants list. Paul, you have a fan!