I think the problem with these synthetic drugs is that there ridiculously cheap . A little light research online indicates that these types of drugs can be obtained at a few pounds a time . What it does show is that the traditional methods by government to control substance abuse by simply making it illegal has failed spectacularly .
I agree. Having been self employed through recessions I’ve had to take any job available doing absolutely anything to get by until I could find something better. I didn’t however think about becoming a scrounging thieving shitbag spending the day robbing people’s sheds whilst they were off their arses at work scraping by the same as a lot of people on here have to do. Put them on stair foot roundabout behind a clear Perspex screen and drop food, water and gear into them until life becomes that horrific their mindset changes and they are forced off it. In the meantime we can show our kids what not to do with their lives. No sympathy whatsoever for them, they always cry the victim. A lot of them were at the same parties as us when we were younger and said yes instead of no thinking they were it.