He's a Cas fan. Or a bigwig in the hierarchy of Rugby league. . This looks like it could be the year you get your deserved promotion mate. Make it a double. Yoooooo reddddddds/Flatcappers.
Could we bring inflatable plant pots, to stick on the head lol. And do the "sing when your digging, you only sing when your digging" song, which I've just made up by the way. I loved the sing when your rowing thing at Wembley, and how the Oxford fans didn't know how to react to it.
I worked in Sheffield all my life and anyone from Barnsley was called a capper. It would give the Wednesday fans great pleasure thinking their vision of us is bang on.
Wtf does it matter what folk wear. Flat caps included. Who gives a toss what anyone else thinks. It'll not change their lives or anyone elses.
Maybe if they all dress as incestuous paedophiles, we could take great pleasure in knowing our vision of them is bang on.
I worked all over Sheffied for the last 35 yrs and hand on heart have never heard that term from all my dee dar work colleagues or anyone else. Yer Dingle B'std they'd often call me in an affectionate tone. . Fritz in return. . They were the ones Who Christened me Hooky fella. Due to my good looks. Tash and long hair . 30 yrs ago.
really hope note, it really is time to update our image, might as well go all in and add inflatable whippets! Maybe over sized caps to emphasise its a joke I suppose but really no!!
The irony is, all over social media, Wednesday fans throw tons of stereotypes in our direction, not very nice ones. But it seems, what's more insulting than being accused of having 6 fingers and sleeping with our sisters, is them seeing us in flat caps. Grow up. If you want to wear a flat cap, wear one. If you don't, don't. I think it's a great idea. Whether I'll do it myself, I'm not sure, but I'll make that decision myself, not based on what someone from bleeding Parsons Cross thinks.