I'm not overly bothered either way really. What I can say is that, having lived and worked in different parts of the UK the inevitable consequence of telling some people you were from Barnsley was them to adopt a crap Northern accent and something along the lines of "Ayup, BAAAARNSLEH, Where's thee flat cap and thee whippet" It may be a misconception. It may be an ignorant misconception. But it is how a lot of people stereotype us. Personally I'd rather not reinforce it.
Got nothing against people who choose to wear them just like I've got nothing against anyone who chooses to wear shorts or jeans or anything else but it's a negative stereotype of the town and not something that should be actively encouraged. Not discouraged either because telling people you don't like what they wear and how they look is not right imo but certainly not something to actively encourage.
But why does it bother you? I'm not trying to antagonise you or anything, I just don't understand why that would bother you? I've had it before too, having gone to uni with a lot of people from the South. It's hardly an offensive stereotype.
Inflatable bananas, and flat caps, and pigs, and plant pots lol. Anymore ideas as to what we could turn into an inflatable ?.