I always go by the rule that if it’s well past its date and it’s something horrible, chuck it. But if it’s something nice, like a pudding or something, it doesn’t matter how far beyond its use by date, try it and see if it still tastes nice and if it does, eat it and deal with the consequences later.
Depends whether they're properly pickled! Quite a lot of 'pickled' stuff nowadays is just dumped into water with a bit of vinegar added for flavour. Polish shops are often your best bet for the really good stuff, in my experience.
At my first Christmas party at the Leeds office we had run out of beer. However, in the 6 months I’d been there, there had been 3 bottles of Becks in the fridge. So I said I was going to grab one of those. I opened it, took a swig and it was ******* horrible. Then someone said “they are well out of date, I tried one last Christmas and it was rank”. Never occurred to anyone to chuck them away in the meantime, or warn me when I went to get one!
I tried to explain the idea behind pickling....she just said ' yes...but they were out of date' I didn't pursue it any further.
Pickled stuff can go mouldy. We had some Branston in cupboard and when I went to make myself a cheese and Branston sandwich there was white mould on the surface.