For those against Hs2...can you help ?

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by sadbrewer, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. Gloria Stitts

    Gloria Stitts Active Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    This is going to be a stop in South Yorks, in Sheffield, it's part of the Chinese investment thing, there's going to be Chinese investment in HS2 as well.
  2. sadbrewer

    sadbrewer Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2006
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    There isn't going to be a high speed train into Sheffield , the trains will have to stop at Chesterfield be split into two and proceed into Sheffield on a slow speed spur , Thomas the tank engine in fancy clothes . The original plan was to have full high speed to a South Yorkshire stop at Meadowhall...Sheffield City Council spent £250k of public money on a report that was little more than a whitewash .( they used geological evidence from a former city sewage engineer who did not have the necessary qualifications to make such a judgment ) I believe they didn't want Meadowhall in order to safeguard the business rates from the £300m extension they announced the moment Higgins changed his mind on a route , a route that had taken 5 years to formulate . They expected Higgins would believe their propaganda and opt for the Victoria Station option...Higgins though , under pressure to save money , opted to ditch Meadowhall and have no South Yorkshire Hs2 stop at all...other than a vague suggestion for a possible 'parkway ' station option , one suggestion of which was Goldthorpe. Despite being a massive supporter of Meadowhall , Houghton has sniffed an opportunity to get Govt money into that area...instead of doing his job properly..and fairly and using Barnsley Council money to regenerate Barnsley Boroughs outlying areas ...he is hoping Hs2 will provide that . In realty it is unlikely to happen , if the imperative for Higgins is to save £1b , he is unlikely to spend a similar figure in building a station that has poorer connections than Meadowhall .
    As far as I'm aware there is no Chinese investment in Hs2 , although I did hear that Sheffield's Chinese investment in Sheffield City Centre was dependent on Hs2 being delivered to the city...which hasn't happened .
    BBBFC likes this.
  3. Euroman

    Euroman Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    I never believed that HS2 would reach Sheffield and Leeds unless it was built before the Birmingham London link.
    We don't need HS2 what we do need are better East-West road and rail links starting with Sheffield-Manchester.
    The whole Northern Power House was another Tory Con.
  4. MDG

    MDG Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    HS2, defo the biggest waste of cash disguised as investment ever.. All to chop 20 mins off a 2 hour journey time. Now if the technology such as developing on the maglev idea could get from Leeds to London in under 1 hour then maybe, it opens up the North to more investment etc.

    These so called fast trains are yesterdays technology, lets pus the boat out and put something world leading in place, plus make it British built.

    If we could improve on the maglev concept which incidently is a British invention, this would give us world class public transport...

    Or even be more daring and look at even more futuristic concepts such as these Hyperloops currently under RnD.

    In the meantime, push some public cash into the existing rail network from a top down approach ( North to South ).
    Extremely Northern and Mido like this.
  5. Gloria Stitts

    Gloria Stitts Active Member

    Aug 14, 2011
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    They were encouraged to invest in it in 2015 by Osborne, may still bid for it, French are now bidding to run it according to today's papers.

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