Traffic will be chaos because none of the junctions up there are grade separated. However, you’ll still be able to use Tankersley Lane to get into Hoyland without using the A61and Birdwell roundabout. You’d come down Tankersley Lane, right onto the new bypass next to the Hermes site, then use the new junction on the bypass to enter Sheffield Road back up to Hoyland Common crossroads.
I could be wrong but I believe the preferred choice is for the semi closure of tankersley lane which made it quite a bit more complicated than just going onto the bypass directly from it
The black bull was my local ,went to Wembley with daz and karren for the oxford game ,had a ryht weekend
I saw three versions of the masterplan. 1.The new bypass bridged Tankersley Lane and the connection to Hoyland Common crossroads was kept. 2. The connection from Hoyland Common crossroads was kept in addition to a connection with the new bypass. 3. A junction was created with the new bypass and the connection from Hoyland Common crossroads was severed and made pedestrian only. The plan I shared earlier clearly shows option 3. As far as I’m aware, this is the agreed option. I’d assume a weight limit will be applied to stop Hermes traffic using the road. I doubt they could navigate the sharp bend on there anyway.