The idea of free movement between Russia and Belarus is the same as between Scotland and England if Scotland won independence - its not exactly some great leap in thought.
Just this same in my industry electronics in fact all my work for the last 17 years has been providing a service in Austria Germany or Norway. I have no idea if I will be able to do that next year especially as Boris seems determined to distance us as far as possible from the EU Still waiting for someone to explain how breaking your deals which are used for over 70% of your trade so you can have the benefit of a better deal with some other countries you don’t trade with much on the other side of the world works
Or Russia and Latvia might be a better example In any case if Scotland gets independence and rejoins the EU we might find free movement is a bit of an issue
How do you think we will continue to generate all the trade we currently do in services once we can no longer move and work freely My post wasn’t really concerned with Tariffs either just that Boris doesn’t plan to include services in our exit deal (probably because the EU will require free movement to do a services deal) You started this by saying you thought the benefits of free movement were to the immigrants that came here. But the picture is far wider than that and the U.K. as a whole will be much worse off without it I may well lose my job Many people in services industries definitely will We are already understaffed in areas which have been filled by EU workers see the fact that all hospital wait times are missing targets and that care providers can’t get enough staff
Yeh...but blue passports and sovereignty n all that forward to the utopia that is the world of the WTO
I think it depends on a skill set required by the host country whether that be us or any other country, if we require scientists, teachers, joiners etc etc and we cant recruit within our nation then absolutely recruit from overseas and welcome them in with open arms. I also believe that anybody going to reside in ANY eu country or any where in the world should have either proof of work/ or be able to financially support themselves ( I do not include asylum seekers/ refugees in this)
Interesting approach but without migrant labour we’d be as short of warehouse staff as we are teachers.
i think if the common market had remained what we were sold in 1975 then this thread and all the talk of brexit would be non existant,,the various treaties like maastricht and lisbon have created unrest throughout europe, both were faced with vigorous debate here and both prompted calls for a referendum on our membership, imo there was no need for the extra layer of government,ie' the eu parliament , when all we were doing was open trade deals, you could even have 'free' movement of citizens from members who were trading with each other without the need for the european parliament ,
both your examples are required, every warehouse and large manufacturing place i visit are filled with eastern european labour, they simply could not exist without them.
True, I think alot of that is down to many workshy of our own, the many conversations i have had with many eastern Europeans is that they think many of us Brits are bone idol
Wouldn’t it be good if the numbers made sense of that. I’m not suggesting that there aren’t some bone idle Brits, and even with the large amount of migrant labour, our productivity is poor. but unemployment is fairly low, and to replace foreign workers we’d need to employ several million ‘sick’ people as well as all our unemployed. And that’s notwithstanding the education and training costs associated with that. but - apparently we just need to ‘get behind the country’ and believe that we can succeed and all of these hard issues will just disappear. I predict that post Brexit the number of foreign workers won’t change dramatically until there’s an economic downturn and at that point some will leave - but unemployment amongst British workers will rise. if you’re Latvian and you lose your warehouse job in Donny, and there’s no obvious sign of a replacement job nearby, the obvious move is to a different EU country or back home. if you’re from Donny, you’re far less likely to move to Germany or Latvia for similar work.