Alabama Alligator Old pavilion Liberal club Silvers Shaky Chennells Temple No.7 White Hart Dolly’s Then maybe Japanese Whispers or finish off local.
Yes and the rules were strict. No talking to your lass on a Friday neet if you happened to see each other. Once by the pea n pie wagon me and the lads were on one side and R lass and her mates on the other. For some reason she tried to make a dash across no man’s land to ask me summat, to the screams of her mates ‘Come Back! What are you doing!’ before one dragged her back.
Early 80s:- Gyngleboy Penny Farthing No7 Shambles Travellers Temple King George White Hart Corner Pin Shakespeare Chennells
I can remember going in to the White Hart late 70's and buying 4 pints for £1 and thought that was very expensive, 25p a pint! I often went to Rebeccas night club and thought that all the fibre optic flowers made it feel very modern. That might have been to the fact it was also very dark in there.
Me and future wife saw Real Thing, boozed all night,chicken in a basket in ba ba and I think I still had a couple of bob left out of a fiver.Great times ,
As a younger member our early 2000’s route was; Sports bar Mustang Sally’s Ticket office Corner pin Bodegas Chambers Esmeraldas Quasimodo’s Belfray bar Kgv Isaacs O’Neil’s No7 Browns We’d sup halves in them all but have a few in the odd bar.......we’d venture onto Wellington street then Christ knows where we’d end up......good times!!!! Can you remember this @Barnsley Loyal
Only went inMarket Tavern dinner times obviously full of market workers but typical of pubs in 60s/70s full of smoke and no music