I should have a go in sign language just in case. I apologise in advance to people who are truly deaf or blind
We put something together before the weekend and used a different approach with multiple other updates and articles. There's no source to this either is there? Difficult to share an open letter that isn't from anyone. I think it's great though. Don't want to say much more as we get vilified by some people for updating here before the website/social channels.
Makes some sense. I presume the trust message gets a viewing from members and opportunity for feedback before going public? I would think thats how it should work is that right?
The board are elected to act in the best interests of the Supporters' Trust. If every decision or communication had to be run through members in advance then we'd be even slower than we already are. Remember it isn't one person's view so you've already got some expected delays depending on personal circumstances at the time. If there's an overwhelming majority that don't feel the board are acting in the best interests of the club or the supporters, then you'd display that through the AGM and casting votes on whoever is running for election each year (or proposing someone else to stand). This isn't really my most knowledgeable subject so probably can't answer any returning questions. But hopefully makes sense.
If anyone cared enough, how would new members join the board? I’m not saying there’s anyone out there, but if there was? Might be helpful to publish that, for anyone who might fancy being part of the change. If the ST Board is seen to be some immovable team of people with no new membership, I could see how people might see that as a problem.
We publish how/it before every AGM. We've got four (I think) new board members standing for election so it's not the immovable team that might be suggested.