There's absolutely nothing for you Peachy and the desolate people who have lost their jobs and businesses after years of grafting, but alas, some full time gold plated workers get 15% off their shopping and easy entrance before us normal scumbags can get in after queuing in the rain. To rub salt in the wounds they say ' we're here for you '.
Last time I was working upto 6, 12 hour shifts a week to help "feed the nation" as well as caring for my children who have disabilities and my wife who's mental health was beyond breaking point. My reward at the supermarket? "Get to the back of the queue and wait. We've got a optician here! Make way" Joking about supermarket queues aside, I actually do feel lucky to have worked all through the lockdown and actually be financially better offer as result.
None of us "gold plated workers" asked for that so perhaps direct your annoyance at the supermarkets offering it and not us? This isnt an us against them thing. Just to be clear I haven't shopped at NHS times or taken any discounts throughout the entire thing.
I've got nothing against anyone who's continued working, hasn't been able to work, has last their job or anything else, some are lucky to keep working some aren't but it isn't like the employee caused covid in order to benefit is it. However a few do annoy me a little, those who do a random job but because they could keep working are crowing about how they're key workers and acting like it makes them somehow superior. Sorry but if you're a data analyst who just happens to be able to work from home that doesn't make you a key worker. The idea of key workers is people in specific jobs who have to keep working as they are key to people living. NHS, retail, supply chains etc. It's not an architect or data analyst despite how much self importance it gives that person to pretend that it is them. The other one is those fortunate enough to continue working, be them key workers or general workers who were in an industry (or public sector) and could simply switch to home working rather than being furloughed who have no sympathy for anyone who's job is at risk and are looking at everything through their selfish eyes with an attitude of 'i'm happy to keep getting paid, the rest of you can lose your jobs and lockdown continue for 10 years as far as I'm concerned'.
Don’t you think that there are lots of people who work in the public sector affected by having a family member or close friend that this has severely impacted upon. I don’t doubt there are those who will scoff at others misfortunes, we know that their are sad and despicable people in today’s society, but they will be very much in the minority. I personally haven’t had a single ‘ benefit’ or any shopping discounted etc.for coming into work. I am unable to work from home. Those early days of lockdown were horrendous with little or no safeguards in the workplace. I know this though, the vast majority of benefits were and still are continued to be paid out and to some of the most vulnerable people in society. This, despite Many public depts losing as much as 60% of their staffing levels. We didn’t ask nor expect any plaudits for this. Boris Johnson even failed to mention his own Civil Service in his ‘Address the nation’ speech earlier summer when he reeled of dozens of employers for praise. It’s always the public sector and particularly those that work at the sharp end,that gets the **** thrown at it in times of crisis, yet the fact of the matter is, without it this country would grind to a halt.
It isn't the vast majority that I was talking about. The majority know how lucky they are, they know the hardships it causes others and they are doing what they can like everyone else is. I was talking about the rather vocal minority who are so selfish they don't even see the huge problems it causes other people because they adopt an I'm alright Jack attitude. But no it wasn't directed at you at all
Again, I don’t believe I’m lucky, I was worried sick coming into work, outbreaks of positive tests still continue in the office.
Limited Company. My accountant had not set me up on PAYE, so didn't qualify for furlough either. I sacked him as soon as I realised how much he had ****** things up, but it was too late. There are an estimate 2.9 million people in the same boat. Every day I have someone else asking me for money, it is a total nightmare. I try and distract myself by talking about football & stuff like the American election, but subjects like this make me need to take time out mate.