The BBC makes some decent TV programmes and is socially quite liberal, but it's news, economic and political output is decidedly centre/right wing. You only have to look at the list of presenters who over the years have been of that variety. The only real left wing reporter I can think they had was Paul Mason.
It's an outdated mandatory tax, one that I am sick to the back teeth of paying. Let them start showing adverts, charging subscriptions if people wish to pay, and generally stand on their own feet financially. ITV, Channels 4 and 5 have managed okay, let the BBC follow suit. They can then suck up as much Tory money as they want and we don't need to have any pretence about impartiality.
Anyway, if Gary thinks he’s getting off Scot free, he’s got another thing coming..
“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past. '” 1984.
In this day and age more than ever we need news reporting that is trustworthy. The BBC should be and can be that. Without it you're left at the whim of media moghuls like the Murdochs who cynically twist the news to make money. Just look at Sky. The news arm in the UK seems fairly centre ground though I rarely watch it. The same people own Fox News and Sky News in Australia which are rabid right wing. Publications on the left are not totally innocent either. I'd happily pay a fee for an organisation that attempts to report the facts and, into the bargain produces good content in other fields AND has no ads. Be careful what you wish for because the alternative is being held ransom by organisations that just want to make a profit.
SSN reporter was spot on last night
You're right, but there's also another agenda, de-funding the BBC. This episode has made the BBC look proper idiots and is in danger of turning the public against it. Remember Nadine "fruit-loop" Dorries tried a while back but had to back off in the face of a public backlash. The more stupid things that the BBC does under the direction of Boris's buddy Richard Sharp, the more the public will stand aside and let them do it. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke) Remember you heard it here first.
This is exactly what the tories want you to think. Just remember who is in charge of the BBC (Boris's financier Richard Sharp) and what agenda he's working to.
They are hoping that the BBC is de-funded and they can pick up all the decent bits of the BBC that are left. Don't forget who is behind Sky - Rupert effing Murdoch - the man who got Trump into the White House.
If anything, the MOTD sideshow keeps the serious issues IN the news. Every time a pundit comes out on strike it has to be contextualised back to source. It also re-references prejudice & collusion at the top of the BBC & the heart of Government. I just wish Labour had the tools to properly take them apart. But we got rid of the wrong leader..
Sky News in the UK is totally free of Murdoch control. Sky Group in the UK is owned by the US media company Comcast.
Not sure if it's been mentioned but even Blade or Grumble has been pulled, presumably cos no one's prepared to do it.