When you think about it... gay footballers are only just starting to be more open. Didn't Le Saux get grief for such a "persuasion"? And i think those jibes were borne out of the fact he was well read?
A very good thread this from the OT @SuperTyke Thank goodness we have moved on in most countries. I have no idea why the world cup is in Qutar, other than the massive bung they paid to FIFA. Saudi, Iran & loads of countries in Africa should not be playing football with us until their human rights record is sorted. I won't be watching any of the World Cup, it is not fit for purpose. Looking forward to the game vs Wycombe tomorrow. They don't hang people from crains for their sexuality as far as I'm aware.
My uncle was gay. He served in the Navy in WW2. He was at the sharp end on Atlantic convoys in destroyers. He told me that as an ASDIC rating he served in the deepest part of the ship, right down on the keel and if they were attacked he would have had little to no chance of getting out. They all slept in their clothes and life-jackets on deck when off duty as they feared going below. He killed himself in his 50s, I believe because of the persecution he had had for being gay from his own family. I never cared what he was; he was always my uncle and good for a ten bob note. I found him when he was dead. I had the job of clearing his house afterwards. I found his war record from the Navy and was amazed at what he had done and where he had been. He had been sunk, got out and was picked out of the sea suffering from lung damage from ingesting fuel oil and from hypothermia. He was kept alive but always had lung problems afterwards and was eventually discharged as unfit for further service. No pension, though. I also found his medals, which he had never told me about. They were still sealed in the War Office box they came in. He never opened them. I did, and found they contained not only the WW2 medal and Victory medal, but also the Atlantic Star with Bar for service against U boats. Gay, eh?