They probably won’t be able to stop laughing long enough to actually speak we will never have looked more vulnerable to them than we do now!
Corbyn must have a very bossy other half and an extremely submissive personality. If he does see power he'll be taking it up the rear.
Enjoy your Euro foo king. Enjoy more taxes and being told what you can and cant do and being told by Mail readers I told you so.
It wouldn’t be a choice. Wonder if ever the scenario arose that we actually stayed in the EU that Rees- Mogg and his Ilk move their Business interests back to this Country?
I’m not having that. That’s an outrageous slur. Apologise immediately. Daily Mail readers are simply former subscribers to the Sun who’ve learned to read......if not think.
Promises of money being spent left, right and centre. The end of austerity announced. You'd almost think that they were trying to buy our votes ahead of an election. My favourite was Boris's chum Trump announcing out of nowhere a week before the mid terms that they were going to sort out a 10% tax cut for the middle classes to come into effect almost immediately after the election. It had never even been rumoured or discussed as policy. He was just making lies come out of his mouth by opening it. Just about everyone outside his gullible base knew it was a lie. Probably even they knew too. And guess what? No tax cuts ever materialised and it was never mentioned after the election. Trump is a liar. So is Boris and his cronies.
The election when it inevitably happens could be a car crash for all concerned. The limited company trading as ‘the Brexit party’ will inevitably eat into the votes of all parties - but given the Tories are now led by someone as odious and far right as Farage their votes might not diminish too much. However Nigel’s mob I think will take seats from traditional safe labour areas too. The biggest leave areas - so the Barnsley seats, Donny, rotherham. All at huge risk. People will vote purely to secure Brexit - and won’t see the damage that the area will suffer not only due to Brexit, but longer term as well by giving these people power and mandate. I can’t see anybody getting anything like a majority to be honest - but if anyone did it could only be the Tories. If they didn’t, we could end up with a Tory, DUP and Brexit coalition, with not only Boris as Prime Minister but Nigel Farage in a high ranking cabinet position. And the scariest thing about that is that people in this area, a lot of them in lower paid work, will think that this will be absolutely marvellous. I voted remain, if we had another referendum I would again. However given the result went how it did, no matter how misguided people were, there is a massive chance of serious civil disruption if leaving the eu is never delivered. Leaving the eu in my view is disastrous for the country but given the events of the last three years it could well be the lesser evil than staying and the country carrying on this tribal argument, and we aren’t far from mob riots. We should therefore leave - ideally not without any deal as that suits only the big business sponsoring Boris, though some, again many in these parts, want that. I can then only hope that when the wheels spectacularly fall off, we go back cap in hand and quickly renegotiate re-entering the eu. Possibly having to adopt the euro, having no powers of veto and with less rebate. As a fee paying member of the Labour Party, whilst I like Jeremy Corbyn and think his politics would make a much fairer country for all, especially around here, I’m not convinced he will ever get close to winning an election, so I do wonder if a change is overdue at the top. The best we can hope for at the minute is he gets enough seats to form a government with the SNP, but I can’t see him getting enough. That would mean a possible three way (ahem) with the Lib Dem’s - who could also gain seats in the remain areas in the same way Brexit will take leave seats. I despair, there is no possible positive way out of this. It should never, ever have gone to a referendum in the first place. David Cameron should be brought to justice for causing civil rift, his actions will likely directly lead to spreading poverty and probably death, but have most certainly divided the country and created huge ill will, a growing extremist racist voice and given a platform to people like Nigel Farage and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon to spout their xenophobic rhetoric.
Troff, I agree with everything you say above except leaving to avoid civil disruption - my own opinion is that leaving will cause such harm to the people of this country that civil disruption will surely follow
I fear that you are right. I also fear it will be the same people whether we leave, or remain. Although I suspect riots over lack of food, medication and unnecessary deaths will be a lot worse than riots over politicians actually being honest with people and setting proper expectations.