Let them identify as they wish, freedom of choice/ expression or whatever it is, Myself I couldn't bring myself round to referring to Caitlin Jenner as a "she" on I'm a celebrity, without sounding " anti" on this, Caitlin sounded, looked just like a man pretending to be a woman with a wig on, in Caitlins mind he us now a woman but in my mind I disagree.
Well for a start if I just suddenly decided to identify myself as female and start using ladies changing rooms I think some women would reasonably be upset at me watching them shower and change
I'm talking about people with genuine feelings about their identity, not some pervert wanting to go into the ladies changing rooms to walk girls shower.
But how do you decide whether someone has genuine feelings or if they are just a pervert. its not so simple as just saying decide on your gender based on how you "feel"
This, and the trans women in female-only sports is where the waters get really muddied for me. We all know, with almost everything in life, certain human beings will take advantage of any situation they can for their own nefarious ends. There have already been numerous reports over the past few years of men "identifying" as female just to get access to their changing rooms etc. There was even the one who was sent to the women's prison in Wakefield(I think) and went on to rape loads of the female prisoners there.
Yeah thats fair enough. Haven't really got an answer for that as i feel it's probably a complicated process higher than my pay grade.
Ah right, iv no idea what you would class as 'normal' but im guessing the brain still has to register some kind of difference in the body?..... So if your born a man but feel like you should be a woman, take bruce jenner for example, is there anything in his body that is making him want to identify as a woman apart from his thoughts/feelings (brain).
Reminds me of the old question... How to do tell the sex of a chromosome You place it under a microscope and pull its ( j ) genes down I'l get mi coite... Taxi... Lol
Gender Dysphoria (the actual term for someone needing to change gender) is not a mental illness, it’s caused by a hormonal imbalance. This is often the result of something that happens in pregnancy.
Gender dysphoria is a mental health problem that is treated with support from secondary care mental health services and is classified in DSM-V.
The NHS website specifically says “Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It's not a mental illness.” Source: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/ I know you work in mental health though, so I’m not sure what to believe now... I’ve always been under the impression it’s not a mental health issue though.
My understanding is that having confusion over your gender itself is not a mental illness but the distress and other psychological impact that this has on that particular person is. This is why it will feature in DSM-V and requires heavy involvement with psychological services prior to any forms of surgery etc.