I used to hear a lot of, "I went to grammar school", "I passed my 11 plus", "GCSE's are just out of a cornflake packet" and "It's too easy for kids these days". Worst one was "I was doing trigonometry at junior school you know nowt".
Not saying it’s right or wrong, but boomer is usually used as a retort when middle aged and older folk criticise my generation for things we can’t help. Eg: “Millennials don’t own property because they’re lazy, no generation ever had it so good” But they don’t realise in the last 20 years wages have gone up 10-20% and house prices about 200%, and uni costs tripled. We often feel like we’ve been set up to fail and naturally it’s frustrating
TBH we set up double time for working Sunday's & time and a half for Saturday's, time & a half for any over time worked during the week not to mention night shift allowance & also we were given a choice to work weekend or not & we've all let it be taken back.
My brother if your having a conversation with him he’s always coming out with,At the end of the day,and then after a while I just say,What day are we on now then,and he’s always coming out with. At the end of the day. He does my head in
Sorry my mistake his second saying It is what it is. See he’s got me saying At the end of the day now
Starting a sentence with 'yeah, no', 'look' or 'listen' is something I'd expect of the Australia cricket captain, and nobody else.
I agree, it really annoys me as well. An acquaintance of my wife talks like this. It takes all my strength of will power not to shout out "It's a FCKING KETTLE!!" when I see her lol Thankfully I haven't seen her this year due to the 'rona..... sorry I mean the Corona Virus restrictions lol
Yeh, no thats fine, or people that start a sentence with the word "so", or politicians that start a sentence with " look", sounds confrontational, right from the get go..lol
Had the displeasure of working in a sales and account management office in my early twenties. Some of the absolute bullsheeite buzzwords and phrases that management came out with literally fried my brain.